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What’s up with ChatGPT’s new sexy persona?
While GPT-4o’s flirtatiousness was glossed over by a lot of male-authored articles about the release,
Parmy Olson addressed it head-on in a piece for Bloombergheadlined
Making ChatGPT ‘Sexy’ Might Not End Well for Humans.
“What are the social and psychological consequences of regularly speaking to a flirty, fun and ultimately agreeable artificial voice on your phone,
and then encountering a very different dynamic with …
2024-03-20 20:21:04

Die Wildbiene hat bei ihrem Hausputz beinahe das kleine Blümchen im Vorgarten begraben.

Großaufnahme Foto. Am Boden, Steine und dazwischen Erdkrümel, der Auswurf einer Wildbiene, die ihre Höhle darunter hat. In den Krümeln steht eine sehr winzig kleine Blüte an dünnem Stängel, Blütenknospen mit kleinen weißen Blättchen daran.
2024-05-27 07:26:58

Dynamical Analysis of a Cocaine-Heroin Epidemiological Model with Spatial Distributions
Achraf Zinihi, Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Matthias Ehrhardt, Ahmed Bachir
2024-03-09 19:51:56

My adopters starved me, too. & despite the fact that I was CLEARLY malnourished, no one ever tried to help me. Why not? Because society has been taught to believe adopters are saviors & saints. But abusive adoptive parents are not uncommon. That “better life” trope needs to be yeeted into the sun—when you give up your child to #adoption , you’re abandoning them to an utter crapshoot, &…

Social media post from notdarafaye with a news photo of 2 abusive Xtian adoptive parents standing outdoors with trees in the background, One male, one female, with their faces pressed against the other’s. The text on the image reads, “Adoptive parents in Tennessee have been arrested for aggravated child abuse/neglect. Their adopted 12 year old ended up hospitalized for being so malnourished, doctors thought she was 6 years old. Meet Jessica & Jason Klimp, followers of Christ.
2024-05-16 08:53:58

Der Weg zum Arbeitsplatz wird von etwas giraffigem versperrt. Wieder Mal Zeit für Akrobatik. :blobcatupsidedown2:
Träumt schön...

Ein Zimmer. Vor einem Tisch mit Bank liegt ein Hundebett. Darin liegt ein großer Hund mit seinem Hals über der Kante, so dass der Hals länger aussieht, als er ist. Auf dem Boden davor liegt noch ein Hund.
2024-05-27 07:26:57

Stability Analysis of a Diffusive SVIR Epidemic Model with Distributed Delay, Imperfect Vaccine and General Incidence Rate
Achraf Zinihi, Mostafa Tahiri, Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi
2024-04-16 07:21:27

Dynamical Behavior of a Stochastic Epidemiological Model: Stationary Distribution and Extinction of a SIRS Model with Stochastic Perturbations
Achraf Zinihi, Moulay Rchid Sidi Ammi, Matthias Ehrhardt