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2024-04-16 08:17:04

🎨📱 Next episode alert! Watch us code our Android app live. Got questions about app development? This is your chance to get answers in real-time. #CodingLive #AppDev
2024-05-13 11:39:07

Re-listening to this interview with B C Manjunath, fully taking in his answer to @…'s queston about whether konnakol could be formalised in code.. He basically says any computer sound can be formalised in konnakol but not vice-versa, because the body is a much more advanced system for thinking about sound than any computer.
2024-04-09 21:03:57

At the hospital ER today some angry dude walked out of the waiting room and up to the nurse at the triage desk:
“I've been here for 25 minutes! How long is this going to take? ____ is not feeling any better!!”.
The nurse, who was very nicely helping us check in, and had helped the dozen or so others there, turned off the smile and just looked at him... dead pan stare… and said.
Angry-dude said some other stuff, then turned around and went back to the w…

Angry Watch Out GIF by BrownSugarApp
2024-06-10 19:38:37

Wow, I haven't been on the bird site since I joined Masto, but it's interesting to see the contrast in reaction to a WWDC:
On the bird site, it was all excitement, astonishment and joy. There were a _few_ angry posts, and the odd Windows person not understanding anything, but the general mood was positive.
Contrast that to Mastodon, and it's the complete opposite. A lot of distrust, disappointment and most people saying "go to Linux".
2024-05-03 14:00:36

What's in a Ukrainian Easter basket? The answer isn't chocolate:
2024-04-29 20:09:49

Cw: discussion of #transphobia; JKR; politics and power
Someone in a Facebook group I'm in asked:
"What the f☆☆k has JK Rowling got to do with removing the appalling Zionist Keir Starmer & the rest of our neoliberal NATO supporting warmongering parliamentary representatives from power?
Asking for a very angry feminist socialist lesbian disabled 70 year old."
I thought this was actually a deceptively good question, so I thought I'd share my answer here...
The thing to understand is that trans rights and trans healthcare are being used as a 'wedge issue' by the right wing: something to divide and distract us while they get on with their usual business of plundering everybody.
Rowling, as a billionaire with a huge platform and a great deal of time on her hands, has done more than practically anybody else to drive this wedge deeper.
Like every scapegoating campaign used by the right - against gay people, immigrants, minorities, benefits claimants and so on - the anti-trans moral panic has serious, material consequences for its targets.
The ones who benefit from these hate campaigns (and often fund them, directly or indirectly) are largely indifferent to the harm caused; the distraction and division are the main points, but stoking fear and hatred are time-worn methods of achieving those.
Hope this helps!

Just a reminder to those who forgot:
👉 Donald Trump doesn’t care for the nation’s #veterans, and he never did.👈
A montage of the notorious draft dodger’s old musings on the military went viral on Memorial Day.
The audio medley, assembled by The Daily Show, featured the
voices of several network anchors reporting on 🔸just how little the presumptive GOP presidential nominee actually …
2024-03-18 19:35:51

Q&A with Sam Altman on the OpenAI board saga, Ilya Sutskever, Elon Musk's lawsuit, Sora, Q*, GPT-5, raising $7T, Google and Gemini, AGI, aliens, and more (Lex Fridman)
2024-04-10 06:54:36

A note on Seshadri constants, Gromov widths of toric surfaces and lattice widths of polygons
Atsushi Ito
2024-05-31 16:30:40

I like Alex Cranz but this is just not correct in any way. A truly off the wall statement that is not even close to true. It makes me so angry.
Alex Cranz: "Photoshop is all AI. And If you've been using photoshop for the last 10 years you've been using AI"…