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2024-04-23 22:49:45

What are Cowboys thinking? Lack of free-agency moves, futures of Dak Prescott, CeeDee Lamb
2024-05-28 20:02:42

Mahmood supports TogetherSF's cynical #MayorDictator measure, which claims to be about reforming commissions but really gives the mayor 2/3 appointing power with no confirmation to the powerful commissions it retains, making them a puppet show.
Probably a good idea to vote for @…
2024-06-03 15:28:25

Series D, Episode 02 - Power
TARRANT: We're not going anywhere, Orac, until you give me straight answers to two questions. One, how did the Seska woman get out of here? And two, how does that method enable us to deactivate the nuclear compression charge?
ORAC: Answers. One, the woman made her exit via the secondary hatch. B7B5
2024-04-09 06:46:38

SELF-[IN]CORRECT: LLMs Struggle with Refining Self-Generated Responses
Dongwei Jiang, Jingyu Zhang, Orion Weller, Nathaniel Weir, Benjamin Van Durme, Daniel Khashabi
2024-06-10 08:48:59

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-29 06:59:13

Comparison results for Markov tree distributions
Jonathan Ansari, Moritz Ritter…
2024-05-01 06:48:48

Can Large Language Models put 2 and 2 together? Probing for Entailed Arithmetical Relationships
D. Panas, S. Seth, V. Belle
arXiv:2404.19432v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: Two major areas of interest in the era of Large Language Models regard questions of what do LLMs know, and if and how they may be able to reason (or rather, approximately reason). Since to date these lines of work progressed largely in parallel (with notable exceptions), we are interested in investigating the intersection: probing for reasoning about the implicitly-held knowledge. Suspecting the performance to be lacking in this area, we use a very simple set-up of comparisons between cardinalities associated with elements of various subjects (e.g. the number of legs a bird has versus the number of wheels on a tricycle). We empirically demonstrate that although LLMs make steady progress in knowledge acquisition and (pseudo)reasoning with each new GPT release, their capabilities are limited to statistical inference only. It is difficult to argue that pure statistical learning can cope with the combinatorial explosion inherent in many commonsense reasoning tasks, especially once arithmetical notions are involved. Further, we argue that bigger is not always better and chasing purely statistical improvements is flawed at the core, since it only exacerbates the dangerous conflation of the production of correct answers with genuine reasoning ability.