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2024-05-16 05:54:46

How environmentalism gets co-opted by the powerful.
"The unprecedented and widespread social and political challenge to capitalism presented by antiwar activists had made the political establishment nervous. Intellectuals, professionals, and technocrats had always been defenders of the status quo.
In contrast, the new environmentalists were institutionalists, and shared with elites a fear of the dangerous classes and a vision of incremental reform. Their politics were shaped by a distinctively postwar philosophy, what Jurgen Habermas called the “scientization of politics. It answered political questions of democracy, governance, and inequality through scientific formulas. Whatever we call it, the new environmentalism approached the crisis of the natural world with two great remedies: better science and better regulation, to be carried out by technocrats. They would “listen to the science”—not follow the people.”"
2024-05-12 06:14:31

I hope people look at this and realize that licenses will not protect them; they will only ever protect capital in the long run
2024-05-10 18:32:05

AG Bonta “noted there is a political pendulum swinging away from treating unhoused people with compassion because ‘now people are at wit’s end with homelessness. The pendulum swings come from emotional decisions. When fear or anger go up, reasonable policy-making goes down. And so I try to be a voice of reason, and not everyone listens to me.’”
2024-06-11 13:32:08

New note by cybersecurity
Bug sistema elettorale Roma, l’assessore Catarci a Key4biz: “Nessun attacco cyber, il sistema IT è andato in blocco”
2024-05-12 06:14:31

I hope people look at this and realize that licenses will not protect them; they will only ever protect capital in the long run

Aaron Sorkin confirmed during a live recording of “The Town” podcast that
he is currently working on some kind of sequel to “The Social Network,”
David Fincher’s acclaimed 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook that won Sorkin the Oscar for best adapted screenplay.
“Look, yeah, I’ll be writing about this,” Sorkin said about the social media company’s recent years.
“I blame Facebook for January 6.”
Sorkin would not answer why he blamed Facebook for Trump suppor…
2024-03-27 19:00:06

There was a period during the industrialization where people fought against the machines — as there was no underlying theory or class consciousness answering why their working conditions were so abhorrent, people thought the problem was the machine, not capitalists who built them.
You may laugh at that, but just remember how many people think getting “replaced by an AI” is a real threat caused by technological development, not our economic system and the people that power it.
2024-06-11 11:07:18

New note by cybersecurity
Bug sistema elettorale Roma, l’assessore Catarci: “Nessun attacco cyber, il sistema IT è andato in blocco”

Aaron Sorkin confirmed during a live recording of “The Town” podcast that
he is currently working on some kind of sequel to “The Social Network,”
David Fincher’s acclaimed 2010 drama about the creation of Facebook that won Sorkin the Oscar for best adapted screenplay.
“Look, yeah, I’ll be writing about this,” Sorkin said about the social media company’s recent years.
“I blame Facebook for January 6.”
Sorkin would not answer why he blamed Facebook for Trump suppor…
2024-06-04 05:18:52

"Stop being dismissive of radical movements. Stop rolling your eyes at the ostensibly utopian dreams of your anti-capitalist and anti-state friends. It’s far more unrealistic to imagine persuading the US to stop supporting genocide than it is to imagine abolishing every state and taking care of each other without presidents. Find your local anarchist or anti-state Marxist or Indigenous group and see how you can be part of movement work that is committed to liberation from imperialism, colonialism, ecocide. Or, just be a better neighbor; get to know the people on your block, build relationships that will be supportive as we all move into escalating collapse. Stop giving time and money to electoral politics (if you have money to give, get it directly to people who need it, not to red-tape nonprofits). Stop telling those of us who have already walked away from that delusion that we’re making it worse for people (worse for whom? what Palestinian thinks Biden is better than Trump?). Believe that a world without domination is possible, because then you can believe that a world without genocide is possible."