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2024-03-18 10:44:42

"Young women tend to vote for parties of the liberal left. Angry young men, sometimes dismissed as toxically masculine by those parties, are being shrewdly wooed by politicians from the right and the far right.
In Europe, where many countries offer a kaleidoscope of political choices, young male votes have helped fuel the rise of reactionary outfits such as the AfD in Germany, Confederation in Poland and Chega, which surged at Portugal’s election on March 10th."
2024-04-18 10:06:50


Stereotypical green-skinned aliens:

(talking about a human sitting at a computer): "You keep your pet inside?"

Owner: "He's an indoors human!"

Owner (approaches human): "Hey, buddy, wanna go for a walk?"

Human (angry): "Grrrrr!"

Owner raises hands in a placating gesture.
2024-06-15 03:06:11

Here’s a really thoughtful and informative thread from @… — asking many of the same questions I am about Apple’s new “private cloud compute,” asking many more I •should• have been, and answering many of them:
2024-04-17 08:28:39

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-10 22:41:49

“Unlike Google which took years to make its search really shitty, OpenAI plans to have outright false search results and dangerous answers to health questions from day one.”
2024-06-14 12:26:09

Political pressure mounts on Parliament data leak, Apple-ChatGPT deal could draw competition scrutiny
2024-04-15 18:24:54

NYTimes makes a good point (giftlink ): A.I. Has a Measurement Problem
A.I. Has a Measurement Problem
2024-03-18 07:24:30

Inflationary non-Gaussianities in alpha vacua and consistency with conformal symmetries
Arhum Ansari, Pinak Banerjee, Prateksh Dhivakar, Sachin Jain, Nilay Kundu
2024-03-18 07:24:30

Inflationary non-Gaussianities in alpha vacua and consistency with conformal symmetries
Arhum Ansari, Pinak Banerjee, Prateksh Dhivakar, Sachin Jain, Nilay Kundu