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2024-04-04 10:30:20
Content warning: iran pol

Angriff auf iranischen Journalisten #PouriaZeraati in London wirft Fragen auf: Verdächtige bereits außer Landes. Die Polizei ermittelt, das Motiv bleibt unklar.
#London #IranInternational
2024-05-03 12:56:54

Russischer Geheimdienst tötet mutmaßlichen Agenten
Der russische Geheimdienst hat nach eigenen Angaben einen mutmaßlichen ukrainischen Agenten getötet, der Attentate in Russland geplant haben soll. Wie der Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB laut Berichten russischer Nachrichtenagenturen mitteilte, wurde der Verdächtige in der Region Leningrad getötet. Die Angaben konnten zunächst nicht unabhängig überprüft werden.
Die Anschlagspläne ri…
2024-04-03 15:14:24

Why are the 4.7.x ESMTP enhanced status codes that Google is using completely different from the IANA-registered codes?
2024-06-02 03:49:37

Ulukaya is a beer neophyte, but Woods, Ungermann, Volek and Regan Long, co-founder of San Francisco’s Local Brewing Co., said they don’t view that as a problem. “He has the experience of running a successful manufacturing business with multiple product lines. It’s not exactly beer, but beer is a food manufacturing process,” said Long. “There are a lot of parallels, and I think there’s a wealth of people that will be more than willing to come back, work for him and fill in those gaps from a brewing perspective.”

Turkey’s main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP) appears set to retain its control over key cities, according to preliminary partial results from the country’s local elections.
With 49 percent of ballot boxes opened in #Istanbul on Sunday, Mayor Ekrem #Imamoglu f…
2024-04-03 15:14:24

Why are the 4.7.x ESMTP enhanced status codes that Google is using completely different from the IANA-registered codes?
2024-06-01 16:38:03

So, a video I picked up in 2021 from @blackfluidpoet over on TikTok a video response to young gay man1️⃣ who states “I’ve never understood why Pride is a thing”
This is an excellent answer:

Younger man in baseball cap:  “as a gay man, I’ve never understood why Pride Month is a thing”

*Video cuts to an older bearded person, sitting in front of a bookshelf, lighting a cigarette*

*he take a drag on the cigarette and blows it out, and video cuts to a laptop covered with stickers (BLM, Antifa, “Be Heard”), books are then placed on  the laptop:
“Sister Outsider” - Audre Lorde
“Reclaiming Our Space” - Feminista Jones
“Transgender History” – S…

#Turkey’s main opposition party retained its control over key cities and made huge gains elsewhere in Sunday’s #local #elections, in a major upset to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who had set his sights on retaking control of those ur…
2024-06-01 16:38:03

So, a video I picked up in 2021 from @blackfluidpoet over on TikTok a video response to young gay man1️⃣ who states “I’ve never understood why Pride is a thing”
This is an excellent answer:

Younger man in baseball cap:  “as a gay man, I’ve never understood why Pride Month is a thing”

*Video cuts to an older bearded person, sitting in front of a bookshelf, lighting a cigarette*

*he take a drag on the cigarette and blows it out, and video cuts to a laptop covered with stickers (BLM, Antifa, “Be Heard”), books are then placed on  the laptop:
“Sister Outsider” - Audre Lorde
“Reclaiming Our Space” - Feminista Jones
“Transgender History” – S…

Republicans, following Trump's initiative, have deliberately incited anger at national “elites,” heightened fears of foreign immigrant invasions (and “deviant” gender identities), and induced non-urban communities to become obsessed with the odious "swamp" of Washington politics.
What, exactly, is getting overlooked here?
The “rural rage” discourse that’s so often wheeled out but rarely unpacked should not be seen as the simple offshoot of political and economic ch…