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2024-05-31 23:48:41

What's the name of the logical fallacy of the badly framed question?
the famous "When did you stop beating your wife?"
Willard's "When DID free speech become a right-wing value?" - The answer is "it didn't" but he has already won by framing the question the way he wants.
"When DID the right wing become a gang of child rapists?" is exactly the same bad faith rhetorical manipulation.
Lots of Twitter personalities get f…
2024-04-27 04:18:03

What's the name of the logical fallacy of the badly framed question?
the famous "When did you stop beating your wife?"
Willard's "When DID free speech become a right-wing value?" - The answer is "it didn't" but he has already won by framing the question the way he wants.
"When DID the right wing become a gang of child rapists?" is exactly the same bad faith rhetorical manipulation.
Lots of Twitter personalities get f…