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2024-03-07 06:11:13

As frustrating, annoying, and inconvenient the #GDL #strike is, please aim your anger where it belongs: the #DeutscheBahn leadership.
2024-03-07 00:29:00

Are Democrats really angry at Biden about Gaza?
Compared to the last basically uncontested primary (2012), the "uncommitted" vote against Biden was much less than against Obama, except in Michigan and Minnesota.
2024-03-07 06:47:15

Polynomial Calculus sizes over the Boolean and Fourier bases are incomparable
Sasank Mouli a…
2024-06-04 05:18:52

"Stop being dismissive of radical movements. Stop rolling your eyes at the ostensibly utopian dreams of your anti-capitalist and anti-state friends. It’s far more unrealistic to imagine persuading the US to stop supporting genocide than it is to imagine abolishing every state and taking care of each other without presidents. Find your local anarchist or anti-state Marxist or Indigenous group and see how you can be part of movement work that is committed to liberation from imperialism, colonialism, ecocide. Or, just be a better neighbor; get to know the people on your block, build relationships that will be supportive as we all move into escalating collapse. Stop giving time and money to electoral politics (if you have money to give, get it directly to people who need it, not to red-tape nonprofits). Stop telling those of us who have already walked away from that delusion that we’re making it worse for people (worse for whom? what Palestinian thinks Biden is better than Trump?). Believe that a world without domination is possible, because then you can believe that a world without genocide is possible."
2024-04-26 23:13:34

Public policy and health in the Trump era via The Lancet
“Trump exploited low and middle-income white people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise racial animus and xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit high-income people and corporations and threaten health.”

Text Shot: Trump exploited low and middle-income white people's anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise racial animus and xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit high-income people and corporations and threaten health.
2024-04-01 07:35:53

Unsolvable Problem Detection: Evaluating Trustworthiness of Vision Language Models
Atsuyuki Miyai, Jingkang Yang, Jingyang Zhang, Yifei Ming, Qing Yu, Go Irie, Yixuan Li, Hai Li, Ziwei Liu, Kiyoharu Aizawa

Trump’s opponents are rushing to endorse him and show they’re on the right side.
It’s not because they love Trump; it’s because they know that loving Trump is a prerequisite for any future career in Republican politics.
Partisan incentives are powerful, and Trump has commandeered them on his own behalf.
Now and for the foreseeable future, the GOP is Trump’s to do with as he will.
Which means that no matter what horrible things Trump does to the country and the Constit…
2024-04-29 21:00:16

Tiny Arduino Drone Even Has an FPV Camera
Tiny Arduino Drone Even Has an FPV Camera In the turmoil of today’s world, drones are getting bigger, badder, and angrier. [Max Imagination] h…
2024-05-31 04:20:09

“I did not find the case trivial. I found it nauseating, a grouping of some of the least attractive and sleaziest human beings I have ever imagined in proximity to the levers of power. And critically, these were people actively and consciously engaged in an effort to corrupt an election. I came away from the trial thinking it was actually important that Trump had to answer for this conduct.”
2024-04-01 15:33:06

@… way out of my depth, however I do not imagine a performance benefit from mirroring for the base operating system.
Other readers may be better prepared to answer if you edit your post to show how much memory will be installed.