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2024-03-04 07:28:00

Self-Consistent Decoding for More Factual Open Responses
Christopher Malon, Xiaodan Zhu arxi…
2024-06-02 04:04:44

Is there a better way to only `git add` non-whitespace changes these days than this 10 year old answer (which does work still)?
2024-05-01 09:00:07

inploid: Inploid: an online social Q&A platform
Inploid is a social question & answer website in Turkish. Users can follow others and see their questions and answers on the main page. Each user is associated with a reputability score which is influenced by feedback of others about questions and answers of the user. Each user can also specify interest in topics. The data is crawled in June 2017 and consist of 39,749 nodes and 57,276 directed links between them. In addition, for …

inploid: Inploid: an online social Q&A platform. 39749 nodes, 57276 edges.
2024-04-03 08:37:17

This has been replaced.
2024-05-02 07:09:01

"By 1973, the first volume of the defining work of our craft, “The Art of Computer Programming” had been available in bookstores since 1968, and its first chapter literally consisted of a 100-something page long introduction to various mathematical concepts. Induction, logarithms, series, matrices, elementary number theory, permutations and factorials, Fibonacci numbers, are some of the subjects exposed in those beautifully typeset pages."
2024-06-03 06:48:06

Quantum Preference Query
Hao Liu, Xiaotian You, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong…
2024-04-20 18:07:00

Industriespionage: VW jahrelang Ziel mutmaßlich chinesischer Angreifer
Zwischen 2010 und 2015 erbeuteten mutmaßlich chinesische Cyberspione rund 19.000 Dateien über E-Mobilität und Antriebstechnologien vom Volkswagen-Konzern.
2024-06-02 06:58:29

China: Haben keine Waffen an Russland geliefert
Dem chinesischen Verteidigungsminister Dong Jun zufolge achtet sein Land darauf, weder Russland noch die Ukraine zu unterstützen. "In der Ukraine-Krise hat China die Friedensgespräche mit einer verantwortungsvollen Haltung gefördert", sagt Dong in einer Rede beim Shangri-La-Dialog. Man habe niemals Waffen an eine der Konfliktparteien geliefert und strenge Kontrollen für die Ausf…
2024-06-02 04:04:44

Is there a better way to only `git add` non-whitespace changes these days than this 10 year old answer (which does work still)?
2024-04-03 08:37:17

This has been replaced.