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2024-04-05 00:11:24

I accept, with anger, that the likes of Uber and Lyft have sufficiently hollowed out the taxi industry that I have no choice but to sign up for one of them now that my travel is constant and the lack of taxis comedic.
I am not happy about this.
2024-04-04 23:42:37

10 And so on. Once you understand how those "AI" programs work, it is trivial to get them give laughably wrong answers...
2024-06-05 15:26:44

Series C, Episode 04 - Dawn of the Gods
CALLY: - and telepathy was promised. But one of the gods was very jealous. He didn't believe that the people of Auron deserved all this. He was frightened they would one day become so powerful they would challenge the supremacy of the gods themselves. And in his rage, he killed another god. The five remaining gods were so angry, they built a chariot for him and sent him beyond the threshold of space and time. The mad god swore a terrible... [1/2] B7B5
2024-05-31 04:20:09

“I did not find the case trivial. I found it nauseating, a grouping of some of the least attractive and sleaziest human beings I have ever imagined in proximity to the levers of power. And critically, these were people actively and consciously engaged in an effort to corrupt an election. I came away from the trial thinking it was actually important that Trump had to answer for this conduct.”
2024-05-30 09:32:56

"In this moment, my mind snaps into a single, crystalline point of focus. (..)
I need to get away from the man. But I need to do it in a way that doesn’t anger him.(..) Men who lack social awareness or empathy often also lack other skills in emotional management. And usually, what men in these situations actually want is closeness. That combination of poor emotional skillsets and a desire to get closer is exactly what puts me in danger."
Der beste 'Bär oder Mann'…
2024-05-24 12:49:27

GPT-4o never gives such terrible answers as Google AI in search that is being piloted, many terrible examples are shared in social media. Do they use a very simple model or is google's implementation just awfully bad ? 🤔
#Google #AI

example of AI in Google search
2024-05-03 08:52:51

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-27 18:11:38

Dear LazyWeb, Bit of a long shot here. I'm replacing a bog-standard 5T disk in my bog-standard Synology DS416j and seem to have lost the package of screws that came with the thing. Having trouble figuring out exactly what the right kind of replacement screws is required to fasten the disk in the tray. Thought I had, but it's not really locked down, and vibrates. Anyone know the right answer?
2024-03-31 15:36:47

"Donald #Trump did create one massively successful business in his lifetime: an email business designed to convince lower- and middle-class angry white #voters to pour their payroll, social security, and disability checks into his bank account. Even that con is falling apart..."