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2024-05-25 16:14:27

Selenskyj: Angriff Manifestation des russischen Wahnsinns
Der Angriff des russischen Militärs auf ein Einkaufszentrum in der ostukrainischen Großstadt Charkiw ist nach Worten von Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj "eine weitere Manifestation des russischen Wahnsinns."
"Nur Wahnsinnige wie Putin sind in der Lage, Menschen auf so abscheuliche Weise zu töten und zu terrorisieren", sagte der ukrainische Präsident in seiner täglichen …
2024-04-12 00:39:22

FDA head pushes for mandated lead testing by food manufacturers | The Hill
2024-05-09 19:54:46

Fact Check: White House Press Secretary Did NOT Answer Question On 'Ukrainian Manifestations Of Nazism' -- Altered Video:
2024-05-24 10:34:57

Laut einer Erstmeldung läuft derzeit, Freitagvormittag, ein Großeinsatz am Akademischen Gymnasium in der Angerzellgasse in Innsbruck.
INNSBRUCK. Aktuell gibt es einen Großeinsatz mit Polizei und Cobra in Innsbruck. Laut Berichten sei eine Drohung eingegangen. Es sollen auch zwei Schüler beteiligt sein. Es gibt Gerüchte, dass ein School Shooting geplant sei.
Bei einem School Shooting oder Amoklauf an einer Schule handelt es sich um einen bewaffneten Angriff mit Tötungsabsicht in Bezug auf eine Bildungseinrichtung.
2024-04-18 22:47:11

Una brutta (ma purtroppo ordinaria) storia di estrattivismo:
Ming-Kush, Kirghizistan, cittŠ costruita nel 1955 attorno ad alcune delle più grandi miniere di uranio dell'Unione Sovietica e oggi quasi abbandonata, dai tanti che sono migrati altrove e dal governo, cui sembra non importare nulla dei livelli di radiazioni ancora altissimi (a causa dei depositi di rifiuti tossici mai messi in sicurezza) e delle condizioni di vita di chi è rimasto
2024-04-15 12:55:46

Google Pushes Unpopular Chrome Update
"After an update in June this year, a feature called the WebRequest API will be removed, and the adblockers and tracker blockers that depend on this feature will stop working. Since the business model of Google is to track your online activity and then show you personalised ads, it is not difficult to see why this feature is removed.
(...) they are forcing the same update on all Chromium browsers as well."
2024-06-06 20:20:44

Keir Starmer expected to push for Palestinian state in Labour manifesto
2024-04-16 09:49:12

Perhaps the most interesting article I've read on Europe's efforts to decarbonise road transport, the controversy over electrification, the proposed alternatives, Chinese manufacturing and a way forward for Europe.
(article in French, screenshots translated with DeepL)


To decarbonise the transport sector to the level required by European commitments and climate requirements, the electrification of the vehicle fleet is not the only answer. Other means will obviously contribute, which may prove less complex to implement, socially less painful and just as useful in environmental terms. Whichever scenario is chosen, these will have to be implemented: further developing the quantity and quality of public transport (rail, high-frequency express coache…
Technological/energy options other than the pure electrification of vehicles could also contribute to the decarbonisation of mobility. These include alternative fuels such as biogas, agrofuels and carbon-free hydrogen. However, at this stage, they are clearly less efficient in both energy and environmental terms. Nor are they generally economically viable without significant and ongoing government support to develop or maintain their use. What's more, the volumes available for these alternative…
2024-06-06 20:20:44

Keir Starmer expected to push for Palestinian state in Labour manifesto