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2024-03-28 13:07:37

New frontier in computer science paper titles just dropped. Sure, sure, people have likely used variants of "to be or not to be", but how many people quote from Tamburlaine? Finally my humanities education comes in handy! [From

You see it everywhere, even if you don’t always recognize it: the literary allusion. Quick! Which two big novels of the past two years borrowed their titles from “Macbeth”? Nailing the answer — “Birnam Wood” and “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” — might make you feel a little smug.

Perhaps the frisson of cleverness (I know where that’s from!), or the flip-side cringe of ignorance (I should know where that’s from!), is enough to spur you to buy a book, the way a search-optimized headline c…
2024-03-10 07:04:04

Incel CS lecturer at Waterloo
I don't know what to say
"In academia, dating and romantic/sexual relationship between professors and students is controversial"
Yes. Yes it is.
"There is clearly a world-wide bias in judgmental decisions for accusing males, compared to females, in harassments. It may be because males usually ask out and show interest in females and females may take it as an offense."
Okay so has anyone explained to you the concept of power dynamics and unethical abuse of authority roles?
"A funny thing is that once, in a seminar for teaching assistants in the University of Waterloo, they told us that teaching
assistants should not date students. I asked about the case of John Nash. The professor answered me that they married
after the student graduated (which I think is not true). Then, I answered even if that is true, did they suddenly get
married without any dating? Of course, they dated before that, while she was a student! I think they themselves know
that this rule is nonfunctional because if the professor/instructor and the student are both single, they may like each
other or fall in love as they interact frequently in the school. This rule was even criticised in the American comedy show "Friends" (season 6, episode 18)."
Ok, there's a lot to unpack here, but the main bit is this: Do you understand that the sitcom "Friends" is not a good source for understanding ethics?
2024-04-11 19:36:58

Tom Brady 'not opposed' to Michael Jordan-like comeback