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2024-06-18 06:56:24

Hermitian-Einstein equations on noncompact manifolds
Di Wu, Xi Zhang
arXiv:2406.11449v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: This paper first investigates solvability of Hermitian-Einstein equation on a Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle on the complement of an arbitrary closed subset in a compact complex manifold. The uniqueness of Hermitian-Einstein metrics on a Zariski open subset in a compact K\"{a}hler manifold was only figured out by Takuro Mochizuki recently, the second part of this paper gives an affirmative answer to a question proposed by Takuro Mochizuki and based on which it leads to an alternative approach to the unique issue. We also prove stability from solvability of Hermitian-Einstein equation, which together with the classical existence result of Carlos Simpson in particular establish a Kobayashi-Hitchin bijective correspondence. The argument is also effective for uniqueness result and Kobayashi-Hitchin bijective correspondence on $\mathbb{C}$, as well as on non-K\"{a}hler and semi-stable contexts.