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2024-03-30 21:36:44

should have asked caleb williams for a better phone case
2024-03-26 20:38:29

So, is Twitter really dying? I guess the answer could be different, depending on your POV. I know user numbers are dwindling, but it seems pretty chatty from the Balkan standpoint. I don't see that kind of chat in our languages in Mastodon or #BlueSky. #Mastodon
2024-05-23 01:40:43

Truecaller partners with Microsoft's Azure AI Speech to let its AI Assistant users create an AI version of their voice to answer calls based on a recorded clip (Emilia David/The Verge)
2024-03-27 12:05:27

Bill Maher launches The Club Random Studios, a podcast network with a focus on "freedom of expression", and hires ex-ESPN anchor Sage Steele as its first host (Alex Weprin/The Hollywood Reporter)
2024-04-28 17:18:10

This demo of a tool that can compare the output of a dozen AI models at once results in surprisingly common answers to prompts like "tell me a joke" or "give me a random number." When an average is well established, LLM results are reliable—and uncreative
2024-03-17 19:21:12

"'The #Gruffalo' does not go down well at the conspiracy theorist book club", #TomGauld knows. :)

Four figures sit around a table spot lit by a single bulb. Title : ‘The Gruffalo’ does not go down well at the Conspiracy Theorist Book Club In turn, they give their opinions. Conspiracist 1 “Typical pro-mouse propaganda, paid for by the powerful rodent lobby” Conspiracist 2 “The creature has obviously escaped from a lab, yet the “author” never mentions this” Conspiracist 3 “gruffalo is an anagram of ‘A FROG FLU’. Coincidence? I think not. Conspiracist 4 ‘These elite writers will not be happy u…
2024-04-24 06:57:18

Distinguishing Internally Club and Approachable on an Infinite Interval
Hannes Jakob, Maxwell Levine
2024-03-18 19:27:24

J’ai déjŠ publié un long article sur Rupert Hine, un musicien et producteur visionnaire, tant dans sa carrière solo que pour d’autres groupes ou artistes.
En parallèle des albums sous …

Thinkman - Mother Nature's Angry
2024-03-05 22:54:00

Don't freak out about Claude passing the "needle in the haystack" test. Finding an unlikely sentence in a book measures memory more than intelligence. It's much easier to predict correct words near an outlier than to sift the correct answer from a mountain of related data.
#Claude #Anthropic

Decorative graphic
2024-04-08 13:27:54

Google's Education VP wants us to believe AI is the classroom's new calculator, but this is a terrible analogy:
1. We know how calculators produce their results.
2. You can check a calculator's answer using pretty much the same algorithm it uses.
3. Rare floating point errors aside, calculators do not invent false answers.
4. Calculators are based on math principles; LLMs are based on no principles.

Calculator with cancellation sign