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2024-03-23 16:00:04

train_terrorists: Madrid train bombing terrorists (2004)
A network of associations among the terrorists involved in the 2004 Madrid train bombing, as reconstructed from press stories after-the-fact. Edge weights encode four levels of connection strength: friendships, ties to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden, co-participants in wars, and co-participants in previous terrorist attacks.
This network has 64 nodes and 243 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Weighted

train_terrorists: Madrid train bombing terrorists (2004). 64 nodes, 243 edges.
2024-04-24 01:56:11

These bad bad antisemites are getting trickier all the time, now they’re Jewish people demanding peace and an end to bombing babies with American weapons.
Such a slippery slope! If we allow this to continue, peace could happen!

Tweet from Jewish Voice for Peace & @jvplive • 6m
HAPPENING NOW: Police are arresting
hundreds of American Jews with @jvplive
@ifnotnoworg and @jfrejnyc as they hold an
emergency Passover seder at Senate
@SenSchumer's doorstep demanding the US
stop arming and funding the Israeli
government as it carries out a genocide.
2024-03-24 06:58:54

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #GoodMorningSunday
Four Tops:
🎵 Baby I Need Your Lovin'
2024-04-23 04:22:06

@… Klepper has spent years interviewing people at MAGA gatherings. Worth listening to. How you get beyond preaching to the choir.
2024-05-23 20:29:30

Yesterday in the Hamburg–KŸbenhavn train we talked with a 70-year woman in our compartment and she told us about a #Nightjet trip some years ago. She thought that the double-decker sleepers that ÖBB bought from DB are “new”. And told that she had found the two-berth compartments a bit cramped (her co-passenger had been a big American). I told her about the actually new Nightjets and their couc…
2024-06-17 16:52:17

Unintended bombings: Russian Aerospace Forces drop five bombs on Belgorod region in one day:
2024-05-22 20:32:00

Selenskyj bittet um Hilfe gegen russische Gleitbomben
Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat westliche Staaten um Hilfe gegen Angriffe mit Gleitbomben gebeten. Sie seien das wichtigste Instrument der russischen Luftangriffe. "Die Ukraine benötigt Systeme und Taktiken, die es uns ermöglichen, unsere Stellungen, unsere Städte und unsere Gemeinden vor diesen Bomben zu schützen", sagte er in …
2024-03-23 05:09:35

Yes, just info, there was a bombing/terrorist attack in Moscow, Russia today, with at least 40 persons reportedly killed and at least 100 injured.
The info space is a bit wild right now. Ukrainian partisans are top-of-mind suspected of course, but there are also theories of "false-flag operations".
2024-04-24 01:56:11

These bad bad antisemites are getting trickier all the time, now they’re Jewish people demanding peace and an end to bombing babies with American weapons.
Such a slippery slope! If we allow this to continue, peace could happen!

Tweet from Jewish Voice for Peace & @jvplive • 6m
HAPPENING NOW: Police are arresting
hundreds of American Jews with @jvplive
@ifnotnoworg and @jfrejnyc as they hold an
emergency Passover seder at Senate
@SenSchumer's doorstep demanding the US
stop arming and funding the Israeli
government as it carries out a genocide.
2024-03-24 06:58:54

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #GoodMorningSunday
Four Tops:
🎵 Baby I Need Your Lovin'