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2024-04-09 05:26:36

Millions of small coffee growers vs. central monitoring from 7000 km away: a classic #commons governance story?…


Operators and traders should be bound by the obligations under this Regulation regardless of whether the making available on the market takes place through traditional or online means. This Regulation should therefore ensure that in every supply chain there is an operator within the meaning of this Regulation who is established in the Union and can be held accountable in the event of non-fulfilment of the obligations under this Regulation. The Commission and the Member States should mon…

Traders should be responsible for collecting and keeping information to ensure the transparency of the supply chain of relevant products which they make available on the market. Non-SME traders have a significant influence on supply chains and play an important role in ensuring that supply chains are deforestation-free. They should therefore have the same obligations as operators, take responsibility for the compliance of the relevant products with this Regulation and ensure, prior to m…
Fairtrade and Satelligence have launched a new partnership to ramp up satellite monitoring of forested areas and farms to all certified coffee and cocoa and producer organisations globally.

The initiative aims to connect Fairtrade cooperatives with data on their members’ farms and their deforestation risks, so the cooperatives can share the data with commercial partners and better manage forest landscapes.

“This partnership focuses on an increasingly important area of trade: access to risk ma…

But Regis Meritan strongly assuaged the fears of cocoa farmers, in both Ghana and Ivory Coast, of any adverse impact of the EUDR on their livelihoods.

"I do not think that the regulation on deforestation will have a major impact on your ability to continue to sell your cocoa and your cocoa to be imported into Europe," Dr Meritan assured.

"I am not talking about 100 per cent of your production, but I think we are talking about 98 per cent of your production or 95 [per cent] I will be probably…
2024-06-10 18:19:48

Have you ever participated in #GoByBikeWeek? Well, I'm the Treasurer for GoByBikeBC and I am really excited that something really really big just happened for us.
We just got Charity status!
The Government of BC has always been our primary funder but today marks a new chapter!
So if you'd like to contribute, please donate! Every little bit counts and it goes …
2024-06-12 17:30:40

#UKPol #Green #manifesto #election
Couldn't watch the launch, stupid jobs.
The gist seem to be tax the rich to invest in the country.
Hurray. Finally.
* Wealth taxes
The rich will finally have to sell some assets to pay their taxes. Anyone with ore than 10 million quid.
Wealth taxes are hard to implement, but you will never fix inequality with just an income tax and you can't fix asset-price inflation and so house-prices without fixing inequality.
They wanna raise a full 50 billion a year extra and then spend it on investment:
* Insulate homes
Insulate Britain would get their way! Hurray! Cheaper energy bills for everyone.
* Build homes.
Everyone's promising this. The green-party number is similar to the Conservatives number but the Greens will do it without lowering building standards to make it cheaper. They'll probably build good insulated ones one assumes.
* CEO/lowest-wage ratio set to 10:1
Currently CEOs earn about 200 times the average wage of their workers. They are worth, they think, ten classrooms full of other workers.
Maybe it'll encourage the CEO to actually give pay-rises?
* Scrap tuition fees & Ofsted
Education should be free.
* Personal Social Care free like the NHS.
No more Granny selling her house to be put into a home I guess?
* 15 quid minimum wage
Pay the workers what it costs to live damnit.
* More Rights to Roam
We will walk these green and pleasant lands even if the farmers don't like it.
* Stop All new Fossil Fuels
This is in fact needed, because "net zero" is bullshit, but not for the reasons Farage or Galloway say, but because carbon-capture is basically impossible. The "net" part is bullshit, it's gotta be actually zero
* Phase out nuclear energy
As is traditional, all parties must have at least one terrible policy which would lead to terrible results. The Green one is phasing out the only non-carbon energy source which is reliable and works all night and day every day.
* Wind power to 70% of all power.
Good, but the wind don't always blow, where are the nukes to back it up eh?
* Decriminalize possession of all drugs.
The drug war was always a counter-productive fraud, it's expensive, ineffective, encourages a police state, and doesn't even really stop anyone taking things. It's stupid, axe it.
Ought to make supply legal and licensed really too but they ain't promising that.
* Support Ukraine and Palestine against the aggressive countries attacking them.
War is bad.
* "No use first" on nukes.
Oh, surprising, they aren't promising to scrap trident.
* Brexit - Rejoin "when the conditions are right"
Well, not making as big a thing of it as the Libs, but it's there.
The Greens are clearly the sanest of the parties with the most progressive policies that would actually help people and help prevent climate change.
So of course the media tell everyone that they're crazy and the political system fixes it so they can't possibly win.
#UKPol #Green #manifesto #election
2024-06-13 04:49:39

Sometimes a good review is really just what you need.
Don't forget to tell the creators of things you love how much you enjoy it!

Steam Community
2024-05-07 11:59:09

2024-06-03 19:30:00

> Eric's handlers communicated with him via encrypted social messaging apps including Potato Chat and Ant Messenger.
2024-05-30 08:48:44

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