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2024-04-04 06:11:25

Personal, dreams, sad
I don't know if I am capable of dreaming anymore. What are dreams, anyway? How are they different from desires, aspirations and efforts?
But I can consider what I could dream of.
I could dream of not being angry all the time. Of not being filled with hatred.
I could dream of feeling secure. Of not worrying all the time about food and shelter. Of losing health insurance and access to medicine.
I could dream of having someone to rely on, of someone who'd take care of me and the things I can't handle. Of not feeling guilty of not meeting the expectations of others and my own, all the time.
I could dream of being able to experience all that stuff that I read about in books and see in movies. Of it not being too late for me anymore.
2024-06-05 07:22:58

Utilizing Voronoi Tessellations to Determine Radial Density Profiles
Veronika Dornan, William E. Harris

Twenty Democratic state attorneys general on Monday filed a motion in defense of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) oil and gas methane rule, following a lawsuit against the rule by Republican AGs.
Twenty-four GOP states, led by Oklahoma’s Gentner Drummond, sued over the rule last week in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, while Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a separate challenge March 8 in response to a request from the state Railroad Commission.…
2024-03-17 06:54:58

Caught myself dreaming about filling the dishwasher.
2024-03-23 11:27:15

Waking up this morning to about 4 inches (10 cm) of white stuff, with more falling from the sky. Let’s see where we end the day at!
#Vermont #Spring

A rusty metal snow gauge standing in snow with a few dormant plants visible behind it. The gauge shows there are 4 inches of snow so far.
2024-04-24 04:43:43

I keep literally dreaming at night about quitting my tech job and starting a gardening nursery co-op, and I remember feeling really happy about it.
2024-04-24 04:43:43

I keep literally dreaming at night about quitting my tech job and starting a gardening nursery co-op, and I remember feeling really happy about it.
2024-04-26 08:41:15

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