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2024-05-04 20:39:14

RL Huber
"Memories of Falling"
2024-06-06 00:58:06

Time For 9 o'clock #HashTagGames hosted by @…
Seems like the news is reporting famous people getting new felonies everyday. Let's play!

Poster Meme announcing New Game

Featured image, large blue hashTag and 
 9 o'clock Hashtag

How to play

 Write something awesome, Use the Hashtag, Toot/Post and Repeat!

Please Boost

Hashtag Games on Mastodon and the entire Fediverse.

 hosted by @paul@OldFriends.Live

Every Night, 9PM EST, (6PM PT / 1AM GMT / 2AM CET / 12PM AEDT / 2PM  NZST)
Proudly hosting daily games since November 16, 2022
2024-04-05 23:37:05

To ALL my followers and mutuals:
This weekend is WrestleMania weekend.
I am very excited. However, I know most of you don't follow me for that.
Therefore, I'm giving you a heads up! I will be using the following hashtags a LOT over the course of the weekend and it WILL contain spoilers.
2024-06-03 18:59:12

In rare bipartisan agreement, House and Senate push to lift ban on felons with drug-related convictions receiving SNAP benefits
2024-04-04 04:28:01

“For millennials and the younger generation Z and Alphas, who may never be able to afford to buy a home or retire at a reasonable age, there is a growing feeling online that hard work is fortifying a system that, at best, is giving them nothing back and, at worst, is actively screwing them over. […] The goal of a softer life is more time and energy for what makes you happy and as little time as possible focusing on what doesn’t.”
2024-04-05 14:30:29

I have a longtime habit of abruptly making a flurry of clicking/popping sounds with my mouth as a way of expressing feelings, fulfilling a similar function to swearing, for example.
However, now that I'm going to college I've been struggling with occasionally starting to do this and then catching myself once I register what's happening. I can't tell if other people aren't bringing it up just to be nice, or really if my feelings of embarrassment are rational. What…

Edited screenshot of a tiktok with text that reads "I love hanging out w ppl that make random noises out of the blue. Like reajdiejdibeep bop boop dinggg to you too babe."
2024-05-05 06:17:49

One year ago on May 5th at around 5 in the afternoon my mother died. She was 90.
I wasn't there as I was flying north when it happened, but other family members were with her and she was surrounded by love. Today I bought a lobster/cray and Peter Mallon and I had a lovely, quiet, lunch on the new deck, followed by a drink in Jane's honour. It was delicious, but I did weep a bit afterwards.
A completed meal. A completed life. A complete year of coming to terms with grief …
2024-06-04 13:17:06

Check out this show by Grateful Dead from Sun, Jun 4, 1978 at Campus Stadium, UC Santa Barbara on Live Music Archive!
#GratefulDead #TIGDH #LiveMusic
2024-06-04 07:22:25

Evaluating Uncertainty-based Failure Detection for Closed-Loop LLM Planners
Zhi Zheng, Qian Feng, Hang Li, Alois Knoll, Jianxiang Feng
2024-05-05 06:17:49

One year ago on May 5th at around 5 in the afternoon my mother died. She was 90.
I wasn't there as I was flying north when it happened, but other family members were with her and she was surrounded by love. Today I bought a lobster/cray and Peter Mallon and I had a lovely, quiet, lunch on the new deck, followed by a drink in Jane's honour. It was delicious, but I did weep a bit afterwards.
A completed meal. A completed life. A complete year of coming to terms with grief …