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2024-04-25 01:30:45

In Florida, an exodus of people fleeing rising anti-immigrant sentiment (Jasmine Garsd/NPR)
2024-03-24 16:48:08

If you remember how my insurance company would not replace my 12 year old failing CPAP machine, here's the exciting conclusion...
2024-05-24 06:45:21

This is fun!
#Google #AI

Google search: can I use diesel to cook spaghetti

AI answer: Diesel fuel can be used in a diesel stove for cooking, as diesel stoves are considered safe and easy to use and don't require preheating or air filling. However, diesel fuel has a harsh taste and consuming it can cause delayed injuries, including holes forming in the throat, esophagus, stomach, or lungs. These injuries can lead to severe bleeding and infection, and may be fatal.
2024-04-24 06:46:43

Socratic Planner: Inquiry-Based Zero-Shot Planning for Embodied Instruction Following
Suyeon Shin, Sujin jeon, Junghyun Kim, Gi-Cheon Kang, Byoung-Tak Zhang
2024-05-23 21:37:45

The Israeli endgame is death to the Palestinians plain and simple: How does this end? With Hamas holding firm and fighting back in #Gaza, #Israel faces only bad options
2024-05-23 19:40:52

"Hamas is still putting up a fight after seven brutal months of war with Israel, regrouping in northern Gaza and resuming rocket attacks into nearby Israeli communities"
2024-03-24 16:29:12

Just posted the following on #nextdoor Very curious about the responses if there are any.
"Why doesn't Highway Unit 1 enforce the 50mph speed limit on the West Side Highway? There are so many collisions there caused by drivers obviously going way more than 50mph. So many sirens. So much cost. I would assume all that expense raises car insurance rates. People are always complaining …
2024-03-25 18:10:55

#TIL: #macOS has a background process named MessagesBlastDoorService, and if you run Messages long enough you might get a few of these, all sleeping and masking SIGTERM. It might correlate to Messages failing to launch. Also maybe related to increasing Messages delays and weirdness. And an absurdly large Messages…
2024-05-24 06:45:21

This is fun!
#Google #AI

Google search: can I use diesel to cook spaghetti

AI answer: Diesel fuel can be used in a diesel stove for cooking, as diesel stoves are considered safe and easy to use and don't require preheating or air filling. However, diesel fuel has a harsh taste and consuming it can cause delayed injuries, including holes forming in the throat, esophagus, stomach, or lungs. These injuries can lead to severe bleeding and infection, and may be fatal.
2024-04-24 17:13:54

🏖️ Contemporary Literary Novels Are Haunted by the Absence of Money