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In January, Microsoft disclosed that it had been breached again,
this time by Russian state-sponsored hacking group Midnight Blizzard.
The group was able "to compromise a legacy non-production test tenant account" to gain access to Microsoft's systems for "as long as two months."
All of this culminated in a report from the US Cyber Safety Review Board, which castigated Microsoft for its "inadequate" security culture, its "inaccurate pub…
2024-05-29 07:17:16

Spanish (neo-)Falangist leader meets and expresses support for Israel's PM, 2 days after the #Rafah nighttime massacre. i.e. on the day when Spain recognised #Palestine as a state with East Jerusalem/Al Quds as capital, calling for a return to 1967 border with land corridor from West Bank to
2024-05-14 10:52:59

Anthropic’s Claude AI now available across Europe.Both and the Claude iOS app are available for free and claim “strong levels of comprehension and fluency in French, German, Spanish, Italian, and other European languages.” A Pro version of Amazon’s favorite chatbot unlocks all models and is available for €18 plus tax per month.
2024-04-16 09:00:20

A new paper with our current findings on the #xz case and potential mitigations is now online at @…:
Please treat as work-in-progress, and there are multiple lines of analysis that we are still following up on. A future submission of an extended version to a peer-reviewed venue is quite possible.
2024-04-14 02:14:42

#MastodonPoll: You are given the power to prevent one of the following assassinations or groups of assassinations. Which do you choose to save?
(Choosing one of the grouped options means saving all members listed in that group)
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Yitzhak Rabin
1960s US leaders (JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, Medgar Evers)
Abraham Lincoln
India's Gandhis (Mahatma, Indira, Rajiv)
Leon Trotsky
Benazir Bhutto
2024-03-20 07:32:56

Non-Abelian and Abelian descendants of vortex spin liquid: fractional quantum spin Hall effect in twisted MoTe$_2$
Ya-Hui Zhang