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2024-06-07 13:13:58

This week I watched more than 4 movies. Click over to my letterboxd to view them all:
The Special: Worst acting I've ever seen. Neat idea, but the movie sucks (no pun intended). 1.5⭐
Buddy Games: Unwatchable 1⭐
The Invisible Man: First 75% is well done…

Movie posters for The Special, Buddy Games, The Invisible Man, and The Black Phone.
2024-06-07 06:55:26

The G\"odel Universe as a Lie group with left-invariant Lorentz metric and\newline the Iwasawa decomposition
V. N. Berestovskii
2024-06-07 07:01:20

Theory of Correlated Insulator(s) and Superconductor at $\nu=1$ in Twisted WSe$_2$
Sunghoon Kim, Juan Felipe Mendez-Valderrama, Xuepeng Wang, Debanjan Chowdhury
2024-06-10 11:52:48

Don't miss today's packed Metacurity for the most important infosec developments you might have missed over the weekend, including
--It's unclear how many LockBit victims are covered by the FBI's 7,000 decryption keys
--Microsoft makes changes to Recall following searing criticism,
--Lending Tree latest victim of data theft from Snowflake service,
--NYT source code leaked on 4chan,
--Cleveland shutters City Hall following a cyber incident,
--Hacktivists' are DDoS'ing European political parties,
--NHS appeals for blood donors following Qilin hospital attacks,
--London police arrest two alleged smishing blasters,
--Researchers find millions of malicious VSCode extensions,
--CoinGecko suffers another breach,
--Norway recouped $6m from Axie Infinity breach,
--so much more

Mexico City’s thirst is causing it to sink

The demand for water in Mexico’s capital is draining its underground aquifers
— and fueling some of the fastest subsidence rates in the world
2024-06-17 10:32:00

It’s fitting that my ADHD medicine alarms are Mr. Rogers singing “it’s a good feeling”. He reminds me that I’m special and being me is the best thing I can be. :)
2024-08-21 11:49:03

…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
2024-06-10 21:50:55

Why Mexico City’s water crisis is causing it to sink - The Washington Post
2024-06-17 08:00:40

The next one up was the marching song “Be Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.” The accordion set the tone, then seemed to hesitate, falling into the rhythm of the march, and suddenly died down enough to give an unexpected lead to the soloist, a wee rascal so small he must have skipped kindergarten, who opened his mouth and eagerly started singing about the captains leading their ships away from the disappearing shores.

Следващата песен беше Марш БГТО. Акордеонът даде тон, после сякаш се поколеба, влизайки в ритъма на марша, и затихна достатъчно, за да даде неочаквана преднина на солиста – фърфалак, висок не повече от кинта и двайсет, който отвори уста и вдъхновено запя за това как капитаните водят своите кораби и далечните брегове вече не се виждат.
2024-06-17 08:00:40

The next one up was the marching song “Be Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.” The accordion set the tone, then seemed to hesitate, falling into the rhythm of the march, and suddenly died down enough to give an unexpected lead to the soloist, a wee rascal so small he must have skipped kindergarten, who opened his mouth and eagerly started singing about the captains leading their ships away from the disappearing shores.

Следващата песен беше Марш БГТО. Акордеонът даде тон, после сякаш се поколеба, влизайки в ритъма на марша, и затихна достатъчно, за да даде неочаквана преднина на солиста – фърфалак, висок не повече от кинта и двайсет, който отвори уста и вдъхновено запя за това как капитаните водят своите кораби и далечните брегове вече не се виждат.