…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
Series B, Episode 05 - Pressure Point
ARLE: Oh, come on, Berg. You're not old enough to have lost your nerve yet. [They start to cross the field. Smoke begins to rise around their feet] Help me. Help me. I can't move.
BERG: I can't. [Small flames lick near their feet] I can't! [His scream is cut off when they are blown up.]
https://blake.torpidity.net/m/205/23 B7B4
"The German newspaper #Bild also used a screenshot from the video with the caption: "The hunt for Jews has broken out again: Arab mob chases soccer fans in #Amsterdam."
#DW Fact check: False
In the following, replace:
- "school/education system" with "open source"
- "Western-style" with "supply chain security"
- "Developing countries" with "indie devs" or "FOSS developers"
- "richer nations" with "corporations/big tech"
...and see where we're at in #OpenSource…
Attn Star Trek fans:
I challenge you to listen to this episode of "A Closer Look" without bursting out laughing at Seth Meyer's legendary reference that only we Trek fans will understand. 🤣
✅ Jack Smith Reveals Damning New Coup Evidence Against Trump in Bombshell Filing: A Closer Look
#OTD Am 25.10.2009 verhindern anti-imperialistische Linke in Hamburg die Vorführung des Filmes »Warum Israel« von Claude Lanzmann im Kino B-Movie. Zuschauer*innen werden antisemitisch und homofeindlich beschimpft, einige körperlich attakiert. Eine Zäsur.
Ce jeudi 7 novembre 2024 au Falamix Š #Renens 📌
Merci de partager !
#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud
#Fediverse #Inconography
retooted from wakest ⁂ (@liaizon@wake.st). Expanding collection of #icons & #logos from far-flung corners of the #Fedisphere. Take a brief moment to scroll through all these #images. It's a nice feeling.
🔗 #Graphics #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #federation #branding #blackandwhite #mastodon #pixelfed
#Trees reaching up to the #waning #crescent #Moon floating in an open #blue #shy. Gentle, cheerful #MoonPhoto retooted from Silvia Sšnchez (@…). Lovely image, Silvia. Looks like a tiny #bird flying near the upper right branches.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #halfmoon #quartermoon #waningcrescent #waningmoon #photography