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2024-06-16 18:56:05

"Too many children with long COVID are suffering in silence. Their greatest challenge? The myth that the virus is 'harmless' for kids."
2024-06-16 12:08:41

"Why are #autistic people so gay?"
Current research indicates that autistic people have higher rates of #LGBTQ identities and feelings than the general population.
2024-06-16 04:14:20

Large #companies are falling short in their efforts to keep #plastic packaging out of #landfills or from littering the #environment
2024-06-17 22:15:02

It's always a nice feeling when you see a friend do things they like (and also see them join Fedi after you recommend it) 💜
2024-08-21 11:49:03

…"something #magical about a #TotalLunarEclipse? Not exactly … a dazzling spectacle & #celestial sign that works well for syncing up folks in far-flung time zones & corners of the planet … the
2024-06-17 08:00:40

The next one up was the marching song “Be Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.” The accordion set the tone, then seemed to hesitate, falling into the rhythm of the march, and suddenly died down enough to give an unexpected lead to the soloist, a wee rascal so small he must have skipped kindergarten, who opened his mouth and eagerly started singing about the captains leading their ships away from the disappearing shores.

Следващата песен беше Марш БГТО. Акордеонът даде тон, после сякаш се поколеба, влизайки в ритъма на марша, и затихна достатъчно, за да даде неочаквана преднина на солиста – фърфалак, висок не повече от кинта и двайсет, който отвори уста и вдъхновено запя за това как капитаните водят своите кораби и далечните брегове вече не се виждат.
2024-06-18 03:23:24

Petroleum storage tanks on fire in Russia's Rostov Oblast:
2024-06-17 23:31:19

I've long been fond of the phrase, "the bottom falling out of the bucket" as a reference in #Zen to a kind of irreversible awakening experience. It's used in the 12th c. *Blue Cliff Record.* This story appears to be from a century later, but it's nice (from Paul Reps' *Zen Flesh, Zen Bones*):

When the nun Chiyono studied Zen under Bukko of Engaku she was unable to attain the fruits of meditation for a long time.
At last one moonlit night she was carrying water in an old pail bound with bamboo. The bamboo broke and the bottom fell out of the pail, and at that moment Chiyono was set freel
In commemoration, she wrote a poem:

In this way and that I tried to save the old pail 
Since the bamboo strip was weakening and about
to break
Until at last the bottom fell out. 
No more water in th…

Astronomers detect sudden awakening of black hole 1m times mass of sun
The mysterious brightening of a galaxy far, far away has been traced to the heart of the star system
and the sudden awakening of a giant black hole 1m times more massive than the sun.
Decades of observations found nothing remarkable about the distant galaxy in the constellation of Virgo,
but that changed at the end of 2019 when astronomers noticed a dramatic surge in its luminosity that persists t…
2024-06-17 08:00:40

The next one up was the marching song “Be Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR.” The accordion set the tone, then seemed to hesitate, falling into the rhythm of the march, and suddenly died down enough to give an unexpected lead to the soloist, a wee rascal so small he must have skipped kindergarten, who opened his mouth and eagerly started singing about the captains leading their ships away from the disappearing shores.

Следващата песен беше Марш БГТО. Акордеонът даде тон, после сякаш се поколеба, влизайки в ритъма на марша, и затихна достатъчно, за да даде неочаквана преднина на солиста – фърфалак, висок не повече от кинта и двайсет, който отвори уста и вдъхновено запя за това как капитаните водят своите кораби и далечните брегове вече не се виждат.