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2024-04-24 08:07:58

The PNW rainy season is coming to a close!
(And I still need to either find the loose connection or replace the level sensor in my sump, I keep getting dropouts in the data that manifest as impossibly high flow rates when there's a step-change as the data finally updates)

Sump pump graph showing flow rate falling from just under 8 L/hr a month ago to around 4 L/hr now
2024-05-23 12:00:53

Just did my weekly "I am not your audience" clearout of people that either unfollowed me or never mutually followed me so we can efficiently converse.
There seems to be a bad behavior cycle of following folks just for the sake of getting followed back, just so you can unfollow to seem "popular".🤦‍♂️
I hate this behavior. If you aren't following me, I'll most likely not follow you or unfollow you at some point because my goal here is to have conversations. If we don't see each other's posts regularly to be able to engage in such conversation, then what's the point?
Stop talking AT me and start talking TO me.
This is social media, let's be social!
#Fediverse #Fedi #SocialMedia
2024-04-23 07:00:16

Generic low-atmosphere signatures of swirled-anemone jets
Reetika Joshi, Guillaume Aulanier, Alice Radcliffe, Luc Rouppe van der Voort, Etienne Pariat, Daniel N\'obrega-Siverio, Brigitte Schmieder
2024-04-23 16:55:44

Monthly chart: Ukraine braces for tough summer months as Russia renews attacks on energy infrastructure:
2024-04-22 21:10:19

China’s Interim Measures for the Management of Generative AI Services: A Comparison Between the Final and Draft Versions of the Text
2024-05-24 07:05:17

EditWorld: Simulating World Dynamics for Instruction-Following Image Editing
Ling Yang, Bohan Zeng, Jiaming Liu, Hong Li, Minghao Xu, Wentao Zhang, Shuicheng Yan
2024-04-18 07:17:55

"Las Puertitas del Señor López es un retrato del hombre común, con sus falencias, secretos y deseos ocultos, pero también la confirmación de que el empleado mšs rutinario puede volverse autoritario si se presenta la ocasión como demuestra López al encontrar un silbato y una gorra abandonados y usarlas para perseguir a niños que pisan el césped o reprimir a parejas que intentan besarse en una plaza."

Plancha de la historieta "Las Puertitas del Señor López" de Carlos Trillo y Horacio Altuna
2024-04-24 08:37:23

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-03-23 14:17:54

Extrusion demo is milestone for Lightbridge Fuel fabrication
(… I’ve been following this for a while; Lightbridge fuel could increase reactor power output at low cost, improve safety, and be a path to fabricating recycled fuel that US regulators will accept)
2024-04-23 16:55:44

Monthly chart: Ukraine braces for tough summer months as Russia renews attacks on energy infrastructure: