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2024-03-25 13:00:07

messal_shale: Messel Shale food web (2014)
A network of feeling links among taxa based on the 48 million years old uppermost early Eocene Messel Shale. Edge property 'certainty' denotes the certainty of the edge. Metadata include evidence, habitat, and trophic roles. The edge direction goes from consumer to resource.
This network has 700 nodes and 6444 edges.
Tags: Biological, Food Web, Uncertain, Weighted, Metadata

messal_shale: Messel Shale food web (2014). 700 nodes, 6444 edges.
2024-05-18 00:30:45

Russian court freezes €463 million in UniCredit assets amid sanction dispute:

Most migrants likely wouldn’t say they’re fleeing climate change.
They’re escaping war, economic uncertainty, social instability and the like.
But climate change multiplies those threats.
It’s not a coincidence that 95% of conflict refugees in 2020 came from global-warming hot spots.
A 2021 study by researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico found the movement of low-income farmers from Mexico to the U.S. not only tripled during times of drought but …
2024-04-21 19:44:16

Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott Speaks Out On Contract Situation
2024-06-11 14:34:06

Who do I know with #arcgis
I did a Freedom of Information request for some data on rights of way and the data sent back appears to be formatted using British National Grid and fooling the online conversion tools.
If I can get the linked results into a GeoJSON format, using lat/lon, I can take it from there!
2024-06-18 09:23:31

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-05-17 08:39:51

health/illness (mine) 5/n
It's been a perennial puzzle to me ever since I got the Long Covid (Oct 2022, ~19 months ago) to figure out whether there's any PEM component to mine or not. I mostly had PoTS-style dysautonomia, consistent with an auto-immunity disruption, and "ordinary" exhaustion - it hasn't seemed like the ME-alikey profile. But just every once in a while I'd be thinking, is this dysautonomia-type feeling-bad or "ordinary" exhaustion or _could_ it be extra-backlash-tiny-bit-of-PEM?
2024-04-12 06:25:04

Grmpf, wer hat Genios angegriffen? Zusammen mit dem BIbbot von Stefan Wehrmeyer gab's so wundervollen Zugang zu Zeitschriftenarchiven...


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Most migrants likely wouldn’t say they’re fleeing climate change.
They’re escaping war, economic uncertainty, social instability and the like.
But climate change multiplies those threats.
It’s not a coincidence that 95% of conflict refugees in 2020 came from global-warming hot spots.
A 2021 study by researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico found the movement of low-income farmers from Mexico to the U.S. not only tripled during times of drought but …
2024-06-16 06:39:07

good thread on Biden's failings w.r.t covid
See e.g. this story of the flipflop from $2000 promised to $1400 delivered:
#Biden #covid