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2024-03-23 10:19:35

I wondered why the buses in Copenhagen were flying the Dannebrog and the Nordic flag today, now I know... - 🦢 Nordens dag
2024-03-23 03:00:22

twitter: Twitter followers (2010)
A directed network of following relationships from Twitter, from a snowball sample crawl across "quality" users in 2009. A directed edge (i, j) indicates that user i follows user j.
This network has 465017 nodes and 834797 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted

twitter: Twitter followers (2010). 465017 nodes, 834797 edges.
2024-02-23 01:42:27

@… I did a gel-cut DNA ladder sequencing run yesterday. Here are my experiment notes:

Digital electrophoresis of sequencing read length results after gel cut and RBK114.24 fragmentation. One lane of DNA ladder (1kb Plus, or 100 bp) was cut into 4 equal-sized pieces, then pieces were sequenced on a Flongle flow cell. The electrophoresis plot shows an increase in maximum read length with gel pieces from the longer bands, but each chunk still has lots of short bands. This is expected, because the sample DNA is randomly fragmented by the rapid barcoding kit.
2024-03-23 03:00:22

twitter: Twitter followers (2010)
A directed network of following relationships from Twitter, from a snowball sample crawl across "quality" users in 2009. A directed edge (i, j) indicates that user i follows user j.
This network has 465017 nodes and 834797 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted

twitter: Twitter followers (2010). 465017 nodes, 834797 edges.
2024-03-19 19:13:04

Monthly chart: Ukraine struggles to cover budget needs for 2 months in a row as foreign financing dwindles:
2024-03-18 19:54:13

Require(esm) is coming to node!!!
This Node.js PR is going to personally save me (and anybody doing a lot of Node.js dev really) an unbelievable amount of time & suffering, and single-handedly resolve the ongoing Python 2/3 style ecosystem split:
2024-03-21 13:18:14

This Trump toady needs to be removed from the bench. At the very least she shouldn’t be hearing this case. Cannon order on Trump jury instructions, PRA puzzles legal experts - The Washington Post
2024-02-23 07:14:15

Looking Forward: A High-Throughput Track Following Algorithm for Parallel Architectures
Aurelien Bailly-Reyre, Lingzhu Bian, Pierre Billoir, Daniel Hugo Campora Perez, Vladimir Vava Gligorov, Flavio Pisani, Renato Quagliani, Alessandro Scarabotto, Dorothea vom Bruch
2024-02-23 01:42:27

@… I did a gel-cut DNA ladder sequencing run yesterday. Here are my experiment notes:

Digital electrophoresis of sequencing read length results after gel cut and RBK114.24 fragmentation. One lane of DNA ladder (1kb Plus, or 100 bp) was cut into 4 equal-sized pieces, then pieces were sequenced on a Flongle flow cell. The electrophoresis plot shows an increase in maximum read length with gel pieces from the longer bands, but each chunk still has lots of short bands. This is expected, because the sample DNA is randomly fragmented by the rapid barcoding kit.
2024-02-23 06:00:16

twitter: Twitter followers (2010)
A directed network of following relationships from Twitter, from a snowball sample crawl across "quality" users in 2009. A directed edge (i, j) indicates that user i follows user j.
This network has 465017 nodes and 834797 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted

twitter: Twitter followers (2010). 465017 nodes, 834797 edges.