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2024-06-18 00:00:07

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011)
A network representing follower-following relations among Twitter users associated with the 15-M Movement or Anti-austerity movement in Spain, in the period April-May 2011. Metadata include hashtags in the tweets.
This network has 87569 nodes and 6030459 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011). 87569 nodes, 6030459 edges.

Most migrants likely wouldn’t say they’re fleeing climate change.
They’re escaping war, economic uncertainty, social instability and the like.
But climate change multiplies those threats.
It’s not a coincidence that 95% of conflict refugees in 2020 came from global-warming hot spots.
A 2021 study by researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico found the movement of low-income farmers from Mexico to the U.S. not only tripled during times of drought but …
2024-05-17 19:23:29

Capitol rioter L Brent Bozell IV gets 45 months in the big hotel - National Zero
2024-04-11 17:00:07

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011)
A network representing follower-following relations among Twitter users associated with the 15-M Movement or Anti-austerity movement in Spain, in the period April-May 2011. Metadata include hashtags in the tweets.
This network has 87569 nodes and 6030459 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011). 87569 nodes, 6030459 edges.
2024-05-05 08:28:38

Compressive analysis on the Columbia Palestine Solidarity Movement. Some of the discussions brought up from the article are interesting to think about, and we should take note on how should we further proceed to advance our uncompromising conditions.

Most migrants likely wouldn’t say they’re fleeing climate change.
They’re escaping war, economic uncertainty, social instability and the like.
But climate change multiplies those threats.
It’s not a coincidence that 95% of conflict refugees in 2020 came from global-warming hot spots.
A 2021 study by researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico found the movement of low-income farmers from Mexico to the U.S. not only tripled during times of drought but …
2024-06-08 18:00:07

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011)
A network representing follower-following relations among Twitter users associated with the 15-M Movement or Anti-austerity movement in Spain, in the period April-May 2011. Metadata include hashtags in the tweets.
This network has 87569 nodes and 6030459 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011). 87569 nodes, 6030459 edges.
2024-05-06 17:35:49

But now consider another accident. A report in the British Medical Journal describes the case of a construction worker who had jumped off some scaffolding. Beneath him, to his horror, was a 15 cm nail that pierced clean through his boot when he landed. The man […] was in agony, tortured by every small movement of his foot. He was given some even more powerful sedatives, fentanyl and midazolam. But when doctors removed the boot they discovered that the nail had not penetrated his foot at all. In fact, it had passed safely between his toes. There was no bodily injury causing the excruciating pain he felt, though it was completely genuine. In his case, however, the experience was produced entirely by his own powerful prediction machinery. Those searing pains were false perceptions created by his brain's predictions (based on the visual evidence) of serious injury and the kinds of feelings that might result.
(Andy Clark, The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality)
Honestly, I think the biggest conceptual leap here is realizing that pain that is neither caused by an injury, nor neuropathic in nature, can be very real and people aren't just "making up" or "imagining" things. The wiring of their brain fires up as in any other instance of pain.

In 1970, fifth-grader Joel Lipton sent a fan letter to Peanuts creator Charles Schulz, asking him what makes a good citizen.
Schulz's response couldn't be more relevant today.
Schulz wrote, "Sometimes it is the very people who cry out the loudest in favor of getting back to what they call 'American Virtues' who lack this faith in our country."
Schulz's letter emphasized the importance of following one's conscience and protecting "our s…
2024-04-30 21:00:09

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011)
A network representing follower-following relations among Twitter users associated with the 15-M Movement or Anti-austerity movement in Spain, in the period April-May 2011. Metadata include hashtags in the tweets.
This network has 87569 nodes and 6030459 edges.
Tags: Social, Online, Unweighted, Metadata

twitter_15m: Twitter 15-M movement (2011). 87569 nodes, 6030459 edges.