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2024-05-04 16:55:01

Baywatch finally embraces the Yamaha Wave Runner
Season 2 Episode 15 "Sea of Flames"
#RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #Baywatch
2024-05-03 01:30:43

Sometimes I'm like, "he's 12, he should really be packing his own school lunch now." And then he does shit like this.

A plastic takeout container filled with something red. It's a white bottom with a clear lid; clearly different (and incompatible) pieces. Because it doesn't close properly, it is sloppily wrapped in gray duct tape.
Side view of same container. You can see that it's overstuffed with red pepper; it should've been in a container twice the size. The tape is failing to keep the lid shut, and contents are spilling out.
2024-04-05 14:17:05

A study published in the "Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology" (2010) revealed that supplementation with pantothenic acid significantly improves the energy levels in individuals, substantiating its nickname as the "anti-stress" vitamin. This research highlights the essential function of Vitamin B5 in not only fueling the body's cellular mechanisms but also in supporting adrenal health and enhancing stamina.
2024-05-01 13:06:16

She described seeing a photograph—she and her younger siblings, as kids, on their gold velvet couch—and remembering sitting there and reading her parents’ cues, looking for tension. She knew when a fight was coming, when to take her siblings upstairs. “Pattern-making ended up being a survival skill for me,” she said.
I know that feeling. My step father drank for quite some time when I was a teen and I always put my antennas out to discern his mood …
2024-04-13 12:59:00

Star Trek kehrt als Prequel zum Prequel ins Kino zurück
Paramount hat bestätigt, dass noch 2024 die Produktion eines neuen Trek-Films beginnt. Dieser soll vor dem Reboot von 2009 spielen.
2024-03-22 20:43:13

OMFG this is so incredibly frustrating! My siblings and I got into a long conversation with our Mom last night about the Israel-Palestine war. Our incredibly intelligent Mom firmly falling on the "HAMAS started it, so what is Israel supposed to do? Roll over?" side, and my siblings and I trying to point out the flaws in her logic - most of which seem to stem from where you get your news and their choice of spin.
2024-05-22 10:50:40

Assuming you are an adult in good health (though possibly with low values of the following), has your physician recommended you regularly take any of these #supplements? #health #vitamins
B12/folic acid
Vitamin D
A multivitamin
None of the above
2024-06-03 06:50:03

Knowledge Enhanced Multi-intent Transformer Network for Recommendation
Ding Zou, Wei Wei, Feida Zhu, Chuanyu Xu, Tao Zhang, Chengfu Huo
2024-05-28 17:59:25

Eric Kendricks Takes Back All the Bad Stuff He Said About New/Old Coach Mike Zimmer