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2024-05-05 18:13:42

Predictive processing also sheds considerable light on a wide range of typical and atypical forms of human experience. A good starting point is to notice that there are two very broad ways for such processing to go wrong. The first is for the brain to underweight predictions and expectations. This will make it hard to detect faint but predictable patterns in a noisy or ambiguous environment. But the second general way to go wrong is for the brain to overweight expectations. In extreme cases, overweighting results in hallucinations. You seem to see and hear things that aren't there, just because […] they are at some level strongly expected.
Autism spectrum condition was initially thought to reflect a specific imbalance of the first kind — a systematic underweighting of prior expectations. […] Underweighting prior knowledge would make weak or elusive patterns hard to detect, and hard to learn too. Such patterns would include things like facial expressions, intonation, or body language, things that delicately hint, in context, at other people's mental states and attitudes. An imbalance of that kind would also make it very hard to learn these patterns in the first place, and even harder to recognize them in situations that are complicated or ambiguous. Recent evidence casts subtle doubt, however, on this bald initial hypothesis. Rather than weakened predictions, intriguing evidence is emerging that suggests that the core issue involves (not underweighting knowledge-based predictions but) actively overweighting the incoming sensory evidence.
She doesn't just feel "hunger," instead the more fine-grained specifics of the bodily signals dominate. You are feeling a whole lot of something — but what is it? According to the overweighted sensory information theory, autism spectrum condition individuals constantly encounter an excess of highly detailed and apparently very salient sensory information of this kind, coming from both inside their own body and the outside world. This sensory excess impedes the moment-by-moment identification of the broader context or scenario (in this case, hunger). In other words, the emphasis on every aspect of sensory detail effectively makes it impossible to spot the larger forest for the trees.
(Andy Clark, The Experience Machine: How Our Minds Predict and Shape Reality)
2024-05-06 07:04:10

and five and a half hours later, I think I am running exactly what I'd intended! I /can/ have Dolphin drag and drop to add archival files (it's slow) or use rsync as www-data from the #Nextcloud machine, and a BIG caution to members using desktop apps to un-check 'Shared' unless they want a few terabytes of surprise on their laptop!
plus, while waiting, I watched the 1979 Shape of Things to Come, one of the very worst sci-fi films ever made, so bad, and it's not even camp, but it's Canadian!
2024-05-03 17:14:04

"This morning, the ACLU of Indiana filed suit against Indiana University, asserting the university violated the First Amendment rights of three plaintiffs facing a one-year ban from campus for their participation in political protests on the IU-Bloomington campus."
"Today’s filing contends that these bans are an unlawful prior restraint on the free speech rights of the plaintiffs, each of whom wants to rejoin the ongoing protests on campus."
2024-04-04 16:44:09

Congrats Tennessee, you just passed a bill that bans parasols.

welcome to me parasol GIF
2024-04-03 21:53:49

#WaterfallWednesday #NaturePhotography
A rocky stream along the path to Mitchell Lake. October 2014

Photo. A small stretch of a mountain stream falling along the path to Mitchell Lake in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area along the front range of the Rocky Mountains in northern Colorado. The stream bed is filled with rocks and the water is tumbling over them. There are trees on either side of the stream, and sunlight is dappling the leaves and ground on the left side of the image. October 2014.
2024-06-04 05:04:37

“Electric Cars Are Suddenly Becoming Affordable.
More efficient manufacturing, falling battery costs and intense competition are lowering sticker prices for battery-powered models to within striking distance of gasoline cars.
Competition is also intensifying. Toyota and other Japanese carmakers with a reputation for delivering reliable and affordable vehicles are belatedly offering electric vehicles. Honda plans to begin producing them at an Ohio factory next year.” 🎁
2024-04-05 13:15:38

Chargers TE Hayden Hurst: Jim Harbaugh-led squad looking to be tougher, more physical in 2024<…
2024-05-31 16:15:53

Rest of World retracts an article on WhatsApp misinformation "tip lines" in India after several fact-checking orgs detail how it was "riddled with inaccuracies" (Joshua Benton/Nieman Lab)…
2024-04-03 21:53:49

#WaterfallWednesday #NaturePhotography
A rocky stream along the path to Mitchell Lake. October 2014

Photo. A small stretch of a mountain stream falling along the path to Mitchell Lake in the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area along the front range of the Rocky Mountains in northern Colorado. The stream bed is filled with rocks and the water is tumbling over them. There are trees on either side of the stream, and sunlight is dappling the leaves and ground on the left side of the image. October 2014.