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2024-06-07 21:19:30

IRS: the new w-4 form greatly simplifies the tax withholding and adds clarity
Great, so I update to the new form, went through their lengthy online form and used the random numbers it spit out and my witholding went up by 80%. Clearly it's wrong.
I have no idea how to fine tune my withholdings from here. The website tells me forms downloaded before May 25 (i.e. mine) had a bug. Filling it out now is thrown way off by my ridiculous withholding this paycheck and I have no idea …
2024-06-06 13:51:55

Schon interessant was ich aus einem der letzten OkDoomer Posts erfahre:
Während wir in der Öffentlichkeit inzwischen eine "War was?"-Attitüde bei #Covid an den Tag legen, müssen alle Teilnehmer des International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg dagegen einen negativen PCR-Test [sic!] vorweisen.


A friend shared this today: extensive covid testing protocols for the International Economic Forum, to begin tomorrow in St. Petersburg. She said "World leaders are protecting their health while assuring us all it's LTI However, they're failing to protect themselves

Testing during the Forum
2024-06-06 05:19:08

I continue to progress and enjoy the Adrift Expedition in No Man's Sky. I have acquired a couple more starships to go along with the basic ass hauler I started with. The Solar Ship came by way of the Phase 2 "find a crashed ship and repair it" milestone. Oddly enough, I could swear I got one with the same name in the last Expedition I played through. I've been carrying around some odd thing in my inventory almost since I started, and finally used it and had a Sentinel ship …

Looking at the front end of a yellow space ship. It is named The Hammer of Clouds. There's a large semicircular but in a square way vent in the nose. Two very large pointed black nacelles are on either side of the main body of the ship. A blacked out cockpit sticks out of the middle of the main body. The ship is sitting slightly sideways on a very green section of the planet I'm on. A very pale green/blue sky with white clouds forms the background behind the ship.
The Sentinel Ship, as seen from the game's menu screen. This one is called Flameborn-tx, although the "tx" part is in an odd font. on the left you can see the tech/cargo slots of the ship. On the right is the ship itself, a very pointy black affair that's kinda hard to accurately describe, honestly. It's basically a flying wing looking thing, with 3 spider leg looking landing gears. the wing is thick, and on each end is a box shaped appendage. The center cockpit section has no windows and is on…
2024-06-07 07:06:48

Time-resolved optical assessment of exciton formation in mixed two-dimensional perovskite films
Zheng Zhang, Jianan Wang, Yijie Shi, Xi Wang, Zhong Wang, Xiangyu Zhu, Chunlong Hu, Zonghao Liu, Wei Chen, Wenxi Liang
2024-06-06 10:13:46

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-06-06 07:06:49

Single-cycle, 643-mW average power THz source based on tilted pulse front in lithium niobate
Tim Vogel, Samira Mansourzadeh, Clara Jody Saraceno <…
2024-06-15 16:37:46

[[Forms of life, forms of mind]] | [[Michael Levin]] on [[Baba is you]]
2024-06-12 12:45:33

Would you have the patience and persistence to post something like the following about a hundred times in reply to the same person over 3 years?
"'This is the semi-friendly patch-bot […] you seem to have sent a nonsensical or otherwise pointless review comment to a patch submission on a #Linux #kernel
2024-06-11 14:34:06

Who do I know with #arcgis
I did a Freedom of Information request for some data on rights of way and the data sent back appears to be formatted using British National Grid and fooling the online conversion tools.
If I can get the linked results into a GeoJSON format, using lat/lon, I can take it from there!
2024-06-12 07:28:21

Starling Formation-Flying Optical Experiment: Initial Operations and Flight Results
Justin Kruger, Soon S. Hwang, Simone D'Amico