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2024-05-31 16:02:13

Вот в таком же стиле надо было нарисовать сидящего за стойкой сотрудника :)
2024-04-30 06:16:07

Russian Media Monitoring: The Kremlin’s Spin on Missing Ukrainian Children On April 17, Ukraine’s National Police Chief announced that they had successfully located 161 abducted Ukrainian children on Source :
2024-04-29 16:09:28

🇫🇷 Macron: Franska kärnvapen kan användas för att försvara EU #Frankrike
2024-04-01 07:16:41

The 67th edition of De Programmatica Ipsum is out!
This month we argue that "editor wars" are a pointless loss of time; in the Library section, we review "Code" by Charles Petzold; and in our Vidéothèque section, we watch a video from the Fireship channel.

A close-up of a computer monitor displaying the Sublime Text editor with a focus on the 'File' dropdown menu.
2024-06-01 06:21:53

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #SoundsOfThe60sWithTonyBlackburn
Herman’s Hermits:
🎵 A Must To Avoid
2024-05-31 08:24:26

Никто не встречал клавиатуру на андроид, которая ещё и сканер qr кодов?
2024-04-29 20:42:09

Media: Russian politician's wife planned to adopt kidnapped Ukrainian boy, abandoned him due to sickness:
2024-06-01 04:48:59

На улице и так пекло, а тут ещё обогрев включён :)
2024-04-30 10:21:14

Estonia will not force out Ukrainian men with expired passports:
2024-04-30 14:01:49

Deputy PM says no plan to forcibly bring back Ukrainian men from EU: