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2024-06-07 05:14:16

Einige der zuletzt hier besonders häufig geteilten #News:
Link auf linksunten.indymedia: Freispruch für Redakteur von Radio Dreyeckland
2024-06-07 15:34:38

In 1976 Marshall McLuhan was asked about this new phenomenon of the televised debate.
McLuhan came away disillusioned, calling the Carter/Ford spectacle “the most stupid arrangement of any debate in the history of debating”
But here's the thing: chalking up technical difficulties, forgive me if I'm mistaken, but seems to me McLuhan's advice reads like the Trump playbook…
#elections #televiseddebate #medialiteracy
2024-06-06 05:20:54
@… так вот как получить турбо ускоритель без пенделя

We are in the mess we're in now, with #MaggieStarmer purging anyone who once coughed loudly in a non-Tory way, because of The Guardian.
We have a liar as Labour leader. We have a genocide supporter as Labour leader. He makes fucking Kinnock look reasonable.
I will never forget or forgive them. And every ruling class lackey who writes for them.
2024-06-06 21:25:19

Not a single frisbee in sight.
2024-06-07 04:54:47

As predicted, #Netflix are meddling where they have no business, making one of the most impactful and structurally necessary lines in #Godzilla Minus One into a slap in the face for the main character and everyone who sympathizes with him.
2024-06-07 06:03:00

Autonomy: Prozess um Betrug bei HPs Milliardendeal endet mit Freispruch
Der Betrugsprozess um den Verkauf von Autonomy an Hewlett-Packard endete mit einem Freispruch des Ex-Besitzers Mike Lynch.
2024-06-07 06:03:00

Autonomy: Prozess um Betrug bei HPs Milliardendeal endet mit Freispruch
Der Betrugsprozess um den Verkauf von Autonomy an Hewlett-Packard endete mit einem Freispruch des Ex-Besitzers Mike Lynch.
2024-06-07 04:54:47

As predicted, #Netflix are meddling where they have no business, making one of the most impactful and structurally necessary lines in #Godzilla Minus One into a slap in the face for the main character and everyone who sympathizes with him.
2024-06-06 11:50:00

Link auf linksunten.indymedia: Freispruch für verantwortlichen Redakteur
Vor anderthalb Jahren sorgte eine Razzia bei einem Radiosender in Freiburg bundesweit für Aufregung. Nun folgte die nächste Schlappe für die Behörden.