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2024-02-23 09:09:05

How Reddit Scaled to Millions of (Permission) Decisions Per Second
2024-02-23 03:08:03

Früherer Botschafter Melnyk räumt Fehler ein
Der frühere Botschafter der Ukraine in Deutschland, Andrij Melnyk, hat "viele Fehler" während seiner Tätigkeit in Berlin eingeräumt. Er zeigte sich aber stolz, die Berliner Politik nach der russischen Invasion in der Ukraine vor zwei Jahren "aus ihrer Lethargie" geholt zu haben, wie Melnyk dem Berliner "Tagesspiegel" sagte.
Melnyk war von 2015 bis 2022 ukrainischer Botschafter in D…
2024-04-21 21:09:05

🎮 Millions of gamers advance biomedical research by helping to reconstruct microbial evolutionary histories
2024-03-21 15:05:06

Georgia’s Medicaid Work Requirements Costing Taxpayers Millions Despite Low Enrollment - Cobb County Courier
2024-03-21 20:50:58

Leonard Leo, Koch networks pour millions into groups prepping for potential second Trump administration (Katherine Doyle/NBC News)
2024-04-22 07:31:43

Well this sounds like it’s going to be somebody’s problem: Nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking — some ‘rapidly’
Tens of millions of people in the country’s coastal lands might find their homes below sea level by 2120 owing to sinking and sea-level rise.…

Flooded road in china

Pro-Israel groups planning to spend millions in US elections
A handful of groups, led by Aipac, have been a powerful force in American politics
– but has Israel’s war in Gaza changed the equation?
Aipac and other pro-Israel lobby groups have recruited and supported challengers to a number of lawmakers and candidates
– most notably members of the Squad,
the group of progressive representatives who are particularly vocal in their criticism of Israel’s offensive in…
2024-05-22 09:31:26

Verkehrswende: Touris müssen künftig Mobilitätsbeitrag zahlen
Es ist ein Meilenstein in Sachen Verkehrswende: In Salzburg müssen Touristen künftig einen Mobilitätsbeitrag bezahlen. Dieser wird zusätzlich zur Kurtaxe fällig. Im Gegenzug erhalten die Touristen dafür ein Öffi-Ticket, das im ganzen Bundesland Salzburg gilt. Damit sollen zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe geschlagen werden.

Pro-Israel groups planning to spend millions in US elections
A handful of groups, led by Aipac, have been a powerful force in American politics
– but has Israel’s war in Gaza changed the equation?
Aipac and other pro-Israel lobby groups have recruited and supported challengers to a number of lawmakers and candidates
– most notably members of the Squad,
the group of progressive representatives who are particularly vocal in their criticism of Israel’s offensive in…

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also often known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), already affects tens of millions of people worldwide.
But according to new research, we could be facing twice as many cases in the near future.
A study from a team in Germany, published in Internal Medicine, says that the long-lasting effects of COVID-19 on many individuals will mean they could meet the diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS.
That's where a related study from experts at the Me…