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2024-06-04 16:10:28

Detection of an Earth-sized #exoplanet orbiting the nearby ultracool dwarf star SPECULOOS-3 -> Newly discovered Earth-sized planet may lack an atmosphere: and and - circling a cold, Jupiter-sized star, the new world could offer an unobstructed view of its surface composition and history.
2024-06-05 03:47:21

Een nieuwe thuisbasis voor de Volkskrant, in Duivendrecht dit keer. Wat doet zo’n verhuizing voor de sfeer? | de #Volkskrant

Ook Mediavaert kan rekenen op scepsis. ‘Ik vind het een heerlijk gebouw, maar voor mijn gevoel ligt het mijlenver van de levendigheid van de stad’, zegt Putman. ‘Ook is het ontdaan van iedere persoonlijkheid. Het interieur doet me denken aan een gate op Schiphol.’ Hij vreest dat de Volkskrant verder wordt ingekapseld door DPG Media. ‘Op onze toegangspas staat niet ‘journalist’, maar ‘mediamaker’. Dan ben je nog net geen contentcreator.’

Mediavaert probeert uit te stralen dat iedereen bij de gr…
2024-03-06 09:55:58

[Le Monde] - #Narcotrafic : dans « la guerre asymétrique entre l’Etat et les trafiquants » Š #Marseille, des magistrats appellent Š un « plan Marshall ».
« Nous sommes en train de perdre la guerre. » Devant la commission d’enquête sénatoriale sur le narcotrafic, les magistrats marseillai…
2024-06-04 18:57:16

Big leap for Dutch offshore wind!
The results of the tender for 4 GW of permits in the IJmuiden Ver area will be published in a week, on Thursday 11 June, at 18:00!

Map showing the location, 60 km West of the North Holland coast, with cables to the Rotterdam area resp Zeeland.
2024-05-04 19:33:08

🏒 #Hockey #NHL #StanleyCup :NHL: :StanleyCup: @… @…
2024-05-04 12:53:03

Weekend #Plankton #Factoid 🦐🦠
There have been a number of newly discovered deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields around the East Pacific Rise and Mid-Atlantic Ridge using autonomous underwater vehicles (#AUVs)…

image/jpeg two chimney structures emerge from the bottom of the ocean producing clouds of black smoke. Various life forms are seen along the bases.
CCA 2.5
image/jpeg a half submerged photo of a bright yellow autonomous underwater vehicle which sits at the water surface and an oceanographic research ship in the distance.
CCA 2.5
2024-06-04 20:34:40

I'm excited to share that my poem "Fall on the Campbell River, redux" has been published by the League of Canadian Poets in their chapbook "Splendor of Wings" featuring the works of poets over 65 @…

cover of the Splendor of Wings chapbook from the League of Canadian Poets

June,2024 Celebrating the work of poets over Edited by Claudia Coutu Radmore, this chapbook anthology features. poetry from: Anne Archer, Marilyn Belak, Richard Brait, Michelle Poirier Brown, Ronnie R. Brown, Neall Calvert, Lousie Carson, Eric Folsom, Tom Gannon Hamilton, Eva Kolacz, Janis La Couvee, Donna Langevin, Dorothy Mahoney, Blaine Marchand, Shelley McAneeley, Gil McElray, John Oughton, Kerry Rawlinson, and Nan W…
2024-06-06 00:27:37

TESS Giants Transiting Giants - A Low-density Hot Neptune Orbiting a Red Giant Star: #planets evolve.
2024-06-05 16:59:33

After 51 years of operation, the only Dutch #nuclear power plant Borssele is getting old. Planned shutdown is in 2033, but so far, only €300 million has been set aside for its #decommissioning, estimated to cost between €600 million and multiple billions.
2024-04-06 11:54:13

X's AI chatbot Grok made up a fake trending headline about Iran attacking Israel | #Mashable

But, there was one major problem: Iran did not attack Israel. The headline was fake.

Even more concerning, the fake headline was apparently generated by X's own official AI chatbot, Grok, and then promoted by X's trending news product, Explore, on the very first day of an updated version of the feature.

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How Musk let this happen