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2024-04-05 07:24:44

Discrete origins of matter
Gauhar Abbas, Neelam Singh
2024-05-28 13:03:18

David Ottina, writing in 2013 about the emergence of scholarly publishing standards & infrastructures like OJS, DOAJ, NLM-DTD, and SciELO 👇. My immediate, deeply insightful, reaction is to wonder whether we are now ready to empower larger scholars (directly or indirectly).
My snark aside, the article is still relevant:

"They are all international in scope and cross- institutional in support structure. For the most part, they have focussed on the interaction of technical and social systems and addressed infrastructural issues. They are self-organizing and self-authorizing, often with humble beginnings and limited institutional support. They were created to fill a specific need for a particular set of communities. They empower smaller projects and scholars directly."
2024-04-04 08:40:21

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…
2024-04-19 06:59:36

Searching for Free-Floating Planets with TESS: I. Discovery of a First Terrestrial-Mass Candidate
Michelle Kunimoto, William DeRocco, Nolan Smyth, Steve Bryson
2024-04-30 07:02:54

Fractional damping enhances chaos in the nonlinear Helmholtz oscillator
Adolfo Ortiz, Jianhua Yang, Mattia Coccolo, Jes\'us M. Seoane, Miguel A. F. Sanju\'an
2024-04-13 13:17:26

Weekend #Plankton #Factoid 🦐🦠
The ubiquitous tool of #zooplankton #science is the Plankton Net. The fi…

image/jpeg portrait of an older distinguished man in red British medical corps army uniform. 
Doctor John Vaughan Thompson painted by D. Roux, London, circa August 1835. Public Domain.
image/jpeg sketch of a bagged net hanging from a bar with a hoop opening and tied at the bottom. From HMS Challenger Expedition. Public Domain.
Photo of a plankton net being retrieved via a winch from a sampling stage on a ship by a technican.
Photo from DFO. Public Domain.
image/jpeg a microscopic photo of a highly accurate grid of white nylon plastic against a black background. Nitex mesh.
2024-05-10 07:13:47

Dynamical properties of a small heterogeneous chain network of neurons in discrete time
Indranil Ghosh, Anjana S. Nair, Hammed Olawale Fatoyinbo, Sishu Shankar Muni