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2024-03-05 00:11:35

Watched Dune 2, liked it very much. But it's an exhausting movie. Two and a half hours of grim misery without any emotional breaks.
2024-05-31 03:15:58

I never watched Community when it was new, so now it's a pleasure. Just watched the Mafia / chicken finger episode and wow that was great. Danny Pudi is a remarkably good actor.
2024-04-24 06:55:01

An averaging formula for Nielsen numbers of affine n-valued maps on infra-nilmanifolds
Karel Dekimpe, Lore De Weerdt
2024-04-22 00:24:35

2024-03-17 14:30:20

Google Maps tried to kill me yesterday, routing me over a ford of a creek that is running quite swiftly right now. I knew about this ford because I had edited OpenStreetMap to mark it a couple of weeks ago after someone had to be rescued in the same spot.
2024-04-09 02:16:17

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #PickOfThePops
Phyllis Nelson:
🎵 Move Closer
2024-03-17 16:23:26

OSM doesn't seem any better; both Valhalla and OSRM are suggesting a route through the ford. Not sure if I tagged the data wrong or it's a problem with the routing algorithms. (Zoom in to the intersection of Brewer Road and Sharmiden Way for the ford).
2024-04-24 07:13:58

Investigating the missing wedge problem in small-angle x-ray scattering tensor tomography across real and reciprocal space
Leonard C. Nielsen, Torne T\"anzer, Irene Rodriguez-Fernandez, Paul Erhart, Marianne Liebi
2024-03-09 05:00:56

Dear prestige TV makers. No one wants a 70 minute episode. I understand you are much too self-important to stick to a 30 minute slot. So take an hour, which means 48 minutes runtime. 70 minutes is a goddamn movie. #shogun
2024-03-06 15:55:20

Woke up from anxiety dreams about losing my cell phone and not being able to find the theater to see the Star Wars movie. Clearly my subconscious is occupied by First World Problems.