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2024-04-03 18:36:42

Anyone here have a working online account with the SF Opera? I can't login nor create one, even with a fresh email address... They say I should call them but I'm not giving you money if I can't manage my subscription tickets online.
2024-05-03 06:49:53

Two competing populations with a common environmental resource
Keith Paarporn, James Nelson
2024-05-30 21:54:15

I hope whoever at Goodreads decided it was OK for a data request to take "no more than a month" is duly ashamed.
2024-03-20 12:50:37

Raiders named best free-agent fit for CB Steven Nelson
2024-05-14 20:00:55

Nielsen launches The Media Distributor Gauge, showing TV usage ranked by company: Disney accounted for 11.5% of TV viewing in April, YouTube accounted for 9.6% (Kayla Cobb/The Wrap)
2024-04-30 06:48:36

ALock: Asymmetric Lock Primitive for RDMA Systems
Amanda Baran, Jacob Nelson-Slivon, Lewis Tseng, Roberto Palmieri
2024-05-14 20:00:55

Nielsen launches The Media Distributor Gauge, showing TV usage ranked by company: Disney accounted for 11.5% of TV viewing in April, YouTube accounted for 9.6% (Kayla Cobb/The Wrap)
2024-04-10 01:56:25

"As a leading craft beer gastropub, a third of our sales might come from delivery... the entire experience of The Monk’s Kettle has now been transformed from a welcoming place where you hang out with friends in a fun atmosphere…to eating a lukewarm burger and fries in your apartment."
a sad statement on what's happened to community, culture and public space in San Francisco.
2024-03-11 16:11:40

If you have any interest in #SocialMedia #Algorithms #InformationWarfare the
2024-03-20 16:46:10

Number of times I've missed my landline in the last month: zero. Number of spam voicemails: 11. AT&T did automatically cancel my account and stop billing me, so that's nice.