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2024-06-06 02:56:40

When I met my wife, she was squatting illegally in this warehouse on Boylston St in Boston. We'd bike from MIT, where there were actual bike lanes, cross the bridge, and suddenly it's just hair-raising chaos with no bike lanes anywhere and masshole drivers (or lost parents in rental cars visiting their college student children trying to find the Turnpike).
Now there's protected bike lanes on Boylston *and* Brookline? Jealous.

Google streetview from 2011 of Boylston St at Brookline Ave; 4-6 lanes of cars, and a low-rise decrepit warehouse next to a D'Angelos sandwich shop.
Google satellite imagery of the intersection of Boylston St & Brookline Ave. Still way too many fucking cars, but now there's protected bike lanes (flex posts) with green kermit bike boxes at the intersection. The low-rise warehouse is gone, replaced by a big glass tower office building or something.
2024-06-04 09:33:04

Offenbar mehr Munition bei Rheinmetall bestellt
Das Verteidigungsministerium will beim Rüstungskonzern Rheinmetall mehr Artilleriemunition kaufen als bislang geplant. Der bereits geschlossene Rahmenvertrag mit der Rüstungsschmiede Rheinmetall über rund 880 Millionen Euro solle um mindestens 200.000 Granaten des Kalibers 155 Millimeter aufgestockt werden, berichtete der Spiegel aus einem Schreiben des Verteidigungsministeriums…

Japan’s answer to seasonal allergies: A subsidized tropical escape
Spring is a miserable time for millions of Japanese.
One of them is Naoki Shigihara, whose hay fever symptoms make it difficult to focus at work.
Luckily for him, his employer, an IT company called Aisaac, offers a “tropical escape” program, allowing employees to work remotely from other parts of the country with low pollen counts.
It even offers to subsidize the temporary relocation to the tune of…
2024-04-06 19:28:45

First time I'm charging an EV with DC CCS. This is incredibly fast!
Only using that because I have to return this rental tomorrow morning really early and can only charge with AC 230 V at home.

Display of an EV charching station showing how it's putting 76.7 kW DC into the car
2024-06-05 15:11:51

det närmsta svensk politik kommer judisk rymdlaserkospirationsteori var när torsken Paolo Roberto i egenskap av extremt mycket olivlundsbonde påstod att bränderna vid Medelhavet var anlagda och det är något sorgligt över det
2024-05-03 17:48:07

I'm attending The Democratic National Committee's event, “Women for Biden National Call with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Caroline Randall Williams” - sign up now to join me!
2024-06-06 02:56:40

When I met my wife, she was squatting illegally in this warehouse on Boylston St in Boston. We'd bike from MIT, where there were actual bike lanes, cross the bridge, and suddenly it's just hair-raising chaos with no bike lanes anywhere and masshole drivers (or lost parents in rental cars visiting their college student children trying to find the Turnpike).
Now there's protected bike lanes on Boylston *and* Brookline? Jealous.

Google streetview from 2011 of Boylston St at Brookline Ave; 4-6 lanes of cars, and a low-rise decrepit warehouse next to a D'Angelos sandwich shop.
Google satellite imagery of the intersection of Boylston St & Brookline Ave. Still way too many fucking cars, but now there's protected bike lanes (flex posts) with green kermit bike boxes at the intersection. The low-rise warehouse is gone, replaced by a big glass tower office building or something.
2024-06-03 12:29:19

Man, I remember the days when spammers at least made an effort.
(I do wonder if this is some sort of attempt to poison spam filters.)
#spam #email

Screenshot of spam email with just a list of random words:

Inbox • 1 of 795:

ojibwa marsiliaceae margins hitcher

Yvette Barberis
1:26 PM to hello@small-t...

amaryllis blubberer afterlove drooly refusal
invader impatronize deke sphenogram
semitonally moos stoveman curer
transpicuously unfeasibleness ergotamine
tercets trepidations acidimetrically dittany untashionableness flies bialate magicking
remoted subfrontally rindless hermai
jejunectomy pragmaticist ingathers vultur
2024-04-06 19:28:45

First time I'm charging an EV with DC CCS. This is incredibly fast!
Only using that because I have to return this rental tomorrow morning really early and can only charge with AC 230 V at home.

Display of an EV charching station showing how it's putting 76.7 kW DC into the car
2024-06-03 10:16:37

Litauen: Rheinmetall will 180 Millionen Euro investieren
Rheinmetall will nach Angaben der litauischen Regierung mehr als 180 Millionen Euro für eine neue Munitionsfabrik in dem baltischen EU- und NATO-Land investieren. Dies teilte Wirtschafts- und Innovationsministerin Ausrine Armonaite nach Unterzeichnung eines Abkommens mit dem deutschen Rüstungskonzern mit. In dem Werk, in dem nach früheren Angaben 155-Millimeter-Artiller…