Series C, Episode 05 - The Harvest of Kairos
TARRANT: [To Dayna] Stay with him.
[Somewhere else on the Liberator] B7B3
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Series C, Episode 09 - Sarcophagus
CALLY: [Enters] I've finished with the book screen, Dayna. You said you wanted it.
TARRANT: Ah, Cally. I've been going over that theory of yours about the teleport bracelets boosting each other. As you're aware, it doesn't make sense.…
Series B, Episode 03 - Weapon
TRAVIS: And the slave pits?
SERVALAN: When you're of no further use to me, Travis. B7B2
Series A, Episode 11 - Bounty
JENNA: Goodbye.
TYCE: Goodbye, Blake. You'll always be welcome on Lindor. B7B3