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2024-03-03 18:39:43

The #NewYorkTimes has been and will continue to be a far-right-wing rag in a business suit.
Please stop giving them your money or your attention.
#NYTimes #propaganda
2024-05-02 20:43:21

Apple Q2 revenue: iPhone down 10% YoY to $45.96B, Mac up 4% to $7.45B, iPad down 17% to $5.56B, and Wearables, Home, and Accessories down 10% to $7.91B (Ryan Vlastelica/Bloomberg)
2024-04-03 08:43:00

iOS 17.5: Was im nächsten größeren iPhone-Update steckt
Vor der Vorstellung von iOS 18 im Juni wird es noch eine Reihe von iOS-17-Updates geben. Version 17.5 wird besonders für EU-Bürger wichtig.
2024-05-02 18:22:16

Short (long) term rebound is 18 (43) % @…
2024-04-02 18:11:01

Good technical writing is hard. Here's some tips to make it less hard.
2024-04-04 10:14:43

🎼 Permission is hereby granted
free of charge
to any person obtaining a copy of this software
and associated documentation files
[whispering] (the “Software”)

AI-generated sad girl with piano performs the text of the MIT License
2024-03-03 15:01:43

Good morning, Mastodon! 🤩 #SilentSunday #SoCal #desert

Photo taken from our back patio showing a massive rainbow in the cloudy grey sky with a faint 2nd rainbow, morning sunlit mountains in the background, & the reflection of the rainbow in our pool.
2024-05-02 18:00:43

Alexander Pruss's Blog || From fetal pain to the impermissibility of abortion
2024-04-03 14:00:43

Spotify unveils Live Experiences, letting brands sponsor Spotify events for the first time, and plans five to 20 free Live Experiences in the first year (Mark Stenberg/Adweek)
2024-04-02 18:58:43

Het antwoord op de vraag is natuurlijk nee. 🙈
“De eerste conclusie van Huijzer luidt dat de markt voor het bouwen van zulke complexe installaties er nog niet helemaal klaar voor is. “Je hebt niet alleen een elektrolyser nodig, maar ook een compressor en nog allerlei andere apparatuur”, legt hij uit”
Joh. Goh.

screenshot van Linkedin-post van Missie H2: Kan waterstof helpen om netcongestie op te lossen?
2024-03-03 18:08:43

Odessa: Zahl der Todesopfer steigt auf elf
Die Zahl der Todesopfer durch einen russischen Drohnenangriff in der ukrainischen Hafenstadt Odessa ist auf elf gestiegen. Der Gouverneur der Region, Oleh Kiper, teilte mit, dass die Leiche eines zehnjährigen Jungen aus den Trümmer gezogen worden sei. Zuvor waren am Morgen auch eine Frau und ihr Baby tot geborgen worden. Damit kostete der Angriff insgesamt mindestens vier Kinder das L…
2024-04-02 18:26:43


2024-04-03 04:41:43

🚨🚨🚨 🚨 🚨 **Bird flu spreading through species: birds, cattle, humans** - National Zero
2024-04-02 18:15:43

Why Trump's Lunacy Is Suddenly Raising GOP Fears of Down-Ballot Losses (New Republic)
2024-02-04 10:50:43

One small change that might perhaps vastly improve elections in all countries: require candidates to take part in at least 3 joint official debates -- in person, with no notes, teleprompters, hidden radios etc -- under penalty of being excluded from the ballot.
2024-04-03 09:43:17

Dieser Trick die SPD davon zu überzeugen, daß neoliberale (Wirtschafts-)​Politik the Thing to do ist, ohne daß sie es merkt ist natürlich eigentlich beeindruckender als eine neoliberale FDP in die Regierung zu kriegen.
Singt die SPD eigentlich auf dem Parteitag weiterhin die Internationale? Unter Schröder tat sie dies noch, und es war damals schon irgendwie irreal.
2024-05-03 15:53:43

Ich hatte in der Realschule ein Jahr Hauswirtschaft als Pflichtfach (7. Klasse, Bayern). Das allererste Gericht, das wir im Unterricht „gekocht“ haben, war Toast Hawaii. Und außerhalb von Konservendosen war Ananas in den frühen 1980ern im westdeutschen ländlichen Raum noch durchaus exotisch.
Zwei Wochen später, nach dem zweiten Mal Schulküche, fand ich den Kochunterricht dann schon nicht mehr so cool: Italienische Gemüseminestrone, wir konnten das Wort noch nicht mal fehlerfrei ausspre…
2024-03-03 15:43:26

My anxiety dreams now are realizing suddenly I’m in a crowded room and I forgot to wear a mask 😩
2024-05-03 07:02:32

The Parisi-Sourlas Uplift and Infinitely Many Solvable 4d CFTs
Emilio Trevisani…
2024-04-03 21:30:43

First season of Kin (2021) was very good. Moving on to the second season now (no spoilers please).
Aiden Gillen kind of getting typecast as Irish crime boss after the also excellent Love/Hate (2010)
2024-05-02 18:43:53

I'm getting back into Github.
I know, Microsoft, Copilot, etc, but I hear people legit use LinkedIn as a dating site, so I reckon that's going to happen to GH, and I want to be ahead of that curve
2024-04-03 20:43:12

The evenings prior to the early morning surgeries were always Max Roach.
2024-04-04 10:18:43

Her er det en advokat som påstår at lovene bŸr være på bokmål, men argumentene hans viser bare at en ikke bŸr bruke vanskelige ord. Det bŸr jo gjelde uansett målform. Dårlig argumentert, til advokat å være.
2024-03-03 11:43:34

Watched the 🪱 film last night (Bless the coming and going of Him). Did not disappoint!
2024-04-02 21:12:30

Testing out my Tiffen 18 stop neutral density filter before the eclipse next week.
(Never look at the sun without proper eye protection).
#sun #photo #photography

The frame is dark black except for the sun in the center of the photo. This photo was taken on a heavy neutral density filter, so  the sun is properly exposed. The sun is a bit yellow in color. There are no sunspots visible in the photo. 
The watermark at the lower left is for Jon Painter Photography.
2024-03-03 01:18:38

Die ePetition 162857 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Arzneimittelwesen mit dem Titel
Beibehaltung der Erstattungsregelung für u. a. homöopathische Arzneimittel sowie homöopathische Leistungen in der GKV
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 55817 Mitzeichnende. Das Quorum wurde erreicht und der ganze Petitionsausschuss entscheidet in öffentlicher Sitzung und in Anwesenheit dës Hauptpetentën über die Petition. Zeichne diese und andere Petitionen t…
2024-05-04 00:35:54

I'm extremely proud of all our students, but this is especially impressive! When Njumbe graduates from iunorthwest next Wednesday he will be the "youngest-known college graduate in the Hoosier state."
"Njumbe plans to attend medical school and become an orthopedic surgeon one day, but he has to wait until he's 18 to enroll. In the meantime, he's going to pursue a master's degree, he said." 🤯
2024-04-04 13:43:32

St Mary's Kempley
Has the oldest timber roof of any building in England and incredible medieval wall paintings.

St Mary's Kempley. C14th porch abutting Norman arch. The porch has one pink wall.
The gloriously pink rear face of St Mary's Kempley.
A stunning medieval wall painting around a Norman window. The window is recessed with a splayed frame and ledge. The underside of the arch is decorated with a red and white chequerboard pattern, and above the arch there is a scene of rooftops. The window itself is a slim arched depiction of (probably) St George.
St Mary's Church Kempley. The medieval wall painting shows a full length depiction of a cleric.
2024-03-02 20:37:43

Lübeck #Hauptbahnhöfchen. Ich muss zu #Gleis 7. Überall schwer gepanzerte, zum Teil bewaffnete Polizisten.
Vor Gleis 7 #Polizeiabsperrung.
Ich gehe auf den Beamten ganz recht…
2024-05-03 12:43:00

Just blocked my first person on Mastodon after a year and a half, and boy does it feel good. No back and forth, no fucking around.
Act like an asshole = instablock.
2024-04-03 18:03:43

<3 #pornophonique

A stage with red light, two people playing music
2024-05-02 18:43:50

I’ve too many books.
2024-04-04 13:43:02

Il posto dove stare. Racconti di viaggio di un volontario in Ucraina.
Oggi alle 18 presso il Csoa La Strada, via Francesco Passino 24, Roma.
Intervengono Ludovico Gualano, autore del libro e volontario, e Ludovico Tallarita, giornalista.
A seguire presentazione del progetto Giuditta Rescue Team e aperitivo solidale per sostenerlo.
[quello qui sopra è il testo della locandina]

In basso sotto al testo c'è una foto in bianco e nero di due tipi che, uno davanti e uno dietro, trasportano qualcosa (un generatore elettrico? Non capisco bene)
2024-04-03 18:45:33

WhatsApp appears to be experiencing a global outage, preventing users from exchanging messages; Facebook Messenger and Instagram are also experiencing issues (Ben Schoon/9to5Google)
2024-04-01 18:43:41
2024-03-03 18:21:43

Jump to last 30 seconds to see the now broken #MarsHelicopter Mars resting in the "Undying Lands" of #Valinor.
2024-03-03 11:43:09

[Courrier International] - #MerRouge. Le “#Rubymar” et ses 20 000 tonnes d’engrais “très dangereux” ont coulé.
Le vraquier “Rubymar”, visé le 18 février par les rebelles houthistes, a sombré samedi 2 mars. Un début de
2024-04-03 10:43:32

@… @… @… as a Swede growing up in southern Sweden with Danish television and…
2024-03-01 18:41:43

🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MiddayShow
🎵 Say It Like You Mean It
Please 🔁 BOOST to share what you like
- your followers don't see if you ⭐ favourite a post
2024-03-04 12:43:00

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #JeremyVine
2024-04-02 14:43:51

"we’ve compiled a list of common marketing terms that seem to mean one thing to consumers and an entirely different thing to some companies."
2024-04-02 18:12:43

*in America
2024-04-01 17:47:43

The Fisker automobile pricing collapse is a fascinating case. Also the uncertainty of software upgrades in modern cars should be addressed by laws. The prospect of a $70K landfill placeholder isn't a good look for electric cars.
2024-03-02 18:43:19

Credit: Forrest Brazeal
#ai #comics


Panel 1: “Current situation”—Sad engineers use a pile of complexity (languages, toolchains, infra) to create apps.

Panel 2: “What people think AI will do”—Happy non-engineers talk to AI to create a hidden pile of complexity that no longer matters, to create apps.

Panel 3: “What is actually going to happen”—Sad engineers use a pile of complexity (AI pipelines, templates, etc) to talk to AI which creates an old pile of complexity which sadder engineers have to work on to create apps.
2024-05-02 18:59:24

Cowboys punter Bryan Anger wins annual Reliant Energy Home Run Derby
2024-03-03 10:43:30

Je cherche un outil pratique et pas cher voire gratuit qui permettrait Š une association (Habitat et Humanisme) de :
1. faire l'inventaire du matériel qu'ils ont récupéré et stockent dans différents entrepôts, avec commentaires et photos
2. rendre cet inventaire publique.
Après quelques recherches et tests, ce que je vois de mieux ce sont les bases de données de Notion, qui cochent tous les critères : faciles Š utiliser et très puissantes. Description, dates, étiquett…
2024-03-01 18:43:11

Ich gönne mir heute ausnahmsweise und zum ersten Mal im Leben ein Restaurantmenü an der Grenze zum kulinarischen Exzess.
2024-03-01 19:43:24

8/ Meine Stromlieferant*innen: #Naturstrom. „Einfach gute Energie.“
Danke, Leute!
2024-04-01 18:43:14

@… please this one
2024-03-01 18:43:28

Je voetbalt in Rusland, wordt veroordeeld, gaat dan op trainingskamp in Dubai.
En dan krijg je een verkeersongeluk.
T kan verkeren...
2024-03-03 18:30:43

Private Equity is a toxic industry.
2024-05-03 18:05:01

Former Giants standout TE Thomas dies at 86
2024-05-02 23:18:33

🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
Reinel Bakole:
🎵 God complex
#ReinelBakole Saviez vous❓
Vous devez 🔁 PARTAGER ce que vous voulez partager avec vos followers
- si vous ⭐ favorisez, seul le bot en sera informé.
2024-03-01 18:09:06

I didn't manage to get out in time after work before I got dark and wet so that I really didn't want to go out. Yet my back is a bit too stiff to just lay on the couch so those friends came to Action.
#fitness #stayfit

This image captures a fitness scene, featuring a pair of dumbbells neatly positioned on a blue mat. The mat's vibrant shade contrasts against the neutral, grey tones that dominate the background, suggesting an indoor setting, possibly a home gym or a fitness studio. The focus on the dumbbells, with their sleek, metallic appearance, indicates they are the primary subject of the photo. The absence of any human presence allows the viewer to concentrate on the equipment itself, perhaps invoking a s…
2024-03-01 18:33:56

Braverman’s consultation on anti-protest laws was ‘only open to police’
2024-03-04 07:59:43

'Demokratie muss mehr sein als das, was wir derzeit für sie tun.' - Albert Hammond (18. Mai 1944), Musiker
#Music #Tipp #Legende
2024-05-03 07:12:18

Proactive Route Planning for Electric Vehicles
Saeed Nasehi, Farhana Choudhury, Egemen Tanin

Status of #Trump's #criminal cases - As of March 1, 2024
Washington, D.C.
Proposed trial date TBD
🔸On hold
🔹Frozen while Supreme Court considers Trump immunity claim
2024-03-02 10:04:43

#Cricket According to the ACC during tonight's Crusaders game, security at today's Test Match tried to confiscate a whistle because it wasn't pre-registered as a musical instrument.
But the guy threw the whistle into the crowd before they could grab it and the whistle was used to start chants for the rest of the day.
2024-03-01 20:18:34

A moment in time with @…:
He was talking about how he likes wholemeal bread and with his accent it sounded like he said “homo bread”.
I was like “did you just say homo bread?”
And we joked about how conservatives would say “damn homosexuals, they got to the bread too?”
2024-05-01 17:43:13

Täter flüchtig - Mann in Wien angeschossen und schwer verletzt #News #Nachrichten
2024-04-03 04:33:43

Biden rebukes Israel, says he’s ‘outraged’ over deaths of Gaza aid workers | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera
2024-04-03 09:43:17

Dieser Trick die SPD davon zu überzeugen, daß neoliberale (Wirtschafts-)​Politik the Thing to do ist, ohne daß sie es merkt ist natürlich eigentlich beeindruckender als eine neoliberale FDP in die Regierung zu kriegen.
Singt die SPD eigentlich auf dem Parteitag weiterhin die Internationale? Unter Schröder tat sie dies noch, und es war damals schon irgendwie irreal.
2024-04-30 18:43:13

My preferred mental state is . . .
2024-04-03 18:20:37

OpenAI says that paid users can now edit DALL-E images in ChatGPT across web, iOS, and Android, using a selection tool and additional text prompts (Ina Fried/Axios)
2024-05-01 18:33:43

On France Inter now, a fascinating interview with Paul Auster, Laure Adler.
He spoke French eloquently
2024-04-01 18:43:22

Wer heute noch ein wenig Zeit für britische Krimis über haben sollte:
Auf #ZDFneo laufen alle vier Folgen der Staffel 23 von #InspectorBarnaby :
· Weltuntergang für einen Prepper
· Die Last der Lügen
· Ein Körnchen Wahrheit
· Dressed to Kill
2024-03-03 23:11:43

Vermutlich wäre eine ordentliche, gewissenhafte Entnazifizierung auch knapp 80 Jahre nach Ende des zweiten Weltkriegs noch sinnvoll. #justthinkin #fcknzs
2024-03-03 16:03:43

You can pick up the six-volume set of The Collected Stories of Roger Zelazny published by NESFA Press, the publishing pseudopod of the New England Science Fiction Association.
2024-04-30 18:04:32

Can not figure out any funny annotation, so will just leave it here :⁠-⁠)

Cat head themed pillow hanging on a string to dry out. Ears used to attach to the string.
2024-03-04 04:43:18

As far as i can calculate going off 5% host fees the affected Minneapolis collectives could only afford about $5K a year. Maybe that is enough for a nonprofit tax professional to mentor a set of volunteers? The relevant rules are already documented by OCF: (the local collectives i know about don't need any of the employment, insurance, or other things— only the reimbursement of expenses.)
2024-03-01 18:43:55

"Do you want to sing it?" 😄 ->
Paul McCartney - We Can Work It Out - Unplugged Deluxe - Yellow Cow
2024-03-03 01:18:14

Die ePetition 162718 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Grundgesetz mit dem Titel
Änderungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichtsgesetzes nur mit Zweidrittelmehrheit
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 377 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wird der ganze Petitionsaus…
2024-05-02 14:33:43

“And yet every generation of administrators fumbles in dealing with student activists. Despite history abounding with what past administrations did to quell the impact of activism on campus and the consequences—positive and negative—every time there is a new wave of activism, it’s as if administrations are facing protests for the first time.”
2024-04-02 18:00:43

Colin McGinn || My Left Foot
2024-04-01 18:43:40
Content warning: : ISC StormCast for
Monday, April 1st, 2024

📣⁠RSS with @…
2024-03-03 18:21:43

Jump to last 30 seconds to see the now broken #MarsHelicopter Mars resting in the "Undying Lands" of #Valinor.
2024-04-03 13:02:43

@… @… @… @…
2024-04-03 03:43:52

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OwainWynEvans
Delta Goodrem:
🎵 Hearts On The Run
2024-05-02 18:54:41

NFL predictions: An early look at who will win each division
2024-03-01 19:43:24

8/ Meine Stromlieferant*innen: #Naturstrom. „Einfach gute Energie.“
Danke, Leute!
2024-03-01 18:43:28

Je voetbalt in Rusland, wordt veroordeeld, gaat dan op trainingskamp in Dubai.
En dan krijg je een verkeersongeluk.
T kan verkeren...
2024-04-02 21:05:43

Intel Foundry reports 2023 revenue down 31% YoY to $18.9B, operating loss of $7B, up from $5.2B in 2022, and expects 2024 to be the peak of its losses (Ian King/Bloomberg)
2024-03-03 01:17:09

Die ePetition 162538 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Verteilung, Rechte und Vergünstigungen für Spätaussiedler und Vertriebene mit dem Titel
Erleichterung des Familiennachzuges von Russlanddeutschen
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 38 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum er…
2024-04-01 18:13:09

Rain in St Pölten
2024-04-02 21:05:43

Intel Foundry reports 2023 revenue down 31% YoY to $18.9B, operating loss of $7B, up from $5.2B in 2022, and expects 2024 to be the peak of its losses (Ian King/Bloomberg)
2024-04-03 03:43:52

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #OwainWynEvans
Delta Goodrem:
🎵 Hearts On The Run
2024-05-02 14:33:43

“And yet every generation of administrators fumbles in dealing with student activists. Despite history abounding with what past administrations did to quell the impact of activism on campus and the consequences—positive and negative—every time there is a new wave of activism, it’s as if administrations are facing protests for the first time.”
2024-03-04 13:43:14

Heimische Wirtschaft - Pro-Kopf-Einkommen sinkt: Wifo revidiert Prognose #News #Nachrichten
2024-05-02 18:54:40

If Dak Prescott leaves Cowboys, who are his best suitors in 2025?
2024-03-03 01:16:12

Die ePetition 162517 an den Bundestag aus dem Bereich Grundrechte (allgemein) mit dem Titel
Forderung nach einem Grundrecht auf Kultur
kann nur noch weniger als 5 Tage mitgezeichnet werden und hat bislang 74 Mitzeichnende. Nach Ende der Mitzeichnungsfrist wird die Petition von einem MdB im Petitionsausschuss des Bundestags bearbeitet und entschieden werden. Sollte bis zum Ende der Mitzeichnunungsfrist das Quorum erreicht werden, wird der ganze Petitionsausschuss in öffentlicher …
2024-04-02 15:43:58

Chaya Raichik left sputtering when asked what "wokeness" is as the audience bursts out laughing - LGBTQ Nation
2024-04-01 18:07:51

Mitfreude ist eine großartige Sache, übrigens.
2024-05-02 18:54:17

Cowboys decline $22.4M option on QB Trey Lance
2024-04-02 15:10:43

Israeli strike in Gaza kills aid workers: What to know about World Central Kitchen
2024-04-01 18:03:37

Started to read Thomas Metzinger's book on pure consciousness, what I find intriguing is the heavy reliance on qualitative empirical research with experienced meditators. His treatment of Asian meditative traditions is underpowered so far, but that's of course not his forte. And the "Westerners who meditate" focus has an implicit cultural parochialism written into it that I'd like to track further.
2024-04-03 18:43:48

IMPACT: Stefon Diggs trade resets headline clash
2024-05-02 16:54:26

Cowboys should take a chance on recently released veteran WR