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2024-02-28 04:00:18

us_roads: United States roads (2000)
The road networks of the 50 US States and the District of Columbia based on UA Census 2000 TIGER/Line Files. Edges are stretches of road and vertices are intersections of roads. The data sets were assembled by Dominik Schultes. The 'merged' network contains all the states merged together.
This network has 474015 nodes and 607391 edges.
Tags: Transportation, Roads, Unweighted

us_roads: United States roads (2000). 474015 nodes, 607391 edges.
2024-03-27 23:05:52

Joe Lieberman, former Connecticut senator, 2000 vice presidential nominee, dead at 82 (Sarah Rumpf-Whitten/Fox News)
2024-03-27 22:42:53

Lieberman would have been Vice President if the 2000 US Election wasn't screwed up.
That was the beginning of the end really…
I wonder how different the world might have been if Gore and Lieberman had gained the White House.
#USPoli #JoeLieberman
2024-03-26 11:24:00

Vodafone Deutschland baut 2000 Stellen ab
400 Millionen Euro Kosten will Vodafone in Deutschland einsparen, zum Beispiel, indem manuelle Arbeit automatisiert wird.…
2024-03-25 11:11:01

Boycott Express VPN.
Repost from Lowkey (at)Lowkey0nline
'More people should know that the sole owner of Express VPN's parent company is Israeli billionaire Teddy Sagi.
He has a long history of funding the Israeli Occupation Forces and appointed a Duvdevan unit veteran as the CEO.'

More people should know that the sole owner of Express VPN's parent company is Israeli billionaire Teddy Sagi.

He has a long history of funding the Israeli Occupation Forces and appointed a Duvdevan unit veteran as the CEO.
2024-02-28 20:11:06

Yes, it's a serious problem, but the numbers in the headline are comparing apples and oranges. AirBnB properties will be advertised permanently (lets are between overnights and a few weeks), whereas residential properties are advertised only while they're vacant (and the average let is possibly measured in small numbers of years).
2024-02-28 18:59:24

Auch #Ladinisch kennt fünf #Dialekte - und ist gefährdet. Es gibt noch Lesenswertes in der #NZZ.
Ladinisch hat 2000 Jahre überlebt – und ist jetzt vom Aussterben bedroht
2024-02-26 15:04:29

Kabarettist Christian Springer wirbt dafür, ehrlich zu sein mit jungen Erwachsenen. Man müsse ihnen sagen: „Demokratie schützen ist notwendig, aber macht ihnen nicht vor, dass Demokratie toll ist, Demokratie ist nicht sexy, kommt nicht im knappen Minirock daher.“ Und weiter: „Sagt die Wahrheit: #Demokratie ist zach. Sie dauert lang.“ Sie sei nicht befriedigend, aber das Beste, was es gebe. „W…
2024-04-23 03:31:46

Thank you so much for all the responses—I appreciate every one. I’m going to bed early, but I’ll catch up with you all tomorrow. XOXOX
2024-03-25 09:23:17

Well, I've a new hashtag to follow now. #picotron !!!