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2024-03-14 14:48:41

2024-05-10 21:00:52

trec_web: TREC WT10g (2003)
A web graph network originally constructed in 2003 as a testbed for information-retrieval techniques, including web search engines. Distributed by University of Glasgow.
This network has 1601787 nodes and 8063026 edges.
Tags: Informational, Web graph, Unweighted

trec_web: TREC WT10g (2003). 1601787 nodes, 8063026 edges.
2024-05-11 22:54:58

During the great solar storm of 2003, I sat outside in my back garden watching the #aurora. I missed it yesterday but sat out again this evening in the hope of repeating the experience. Sadly no #Nordlys in Copenhagen but I can report the garden has a wonderful scent and is so peaceful at this time of year, which was basically just as good...
2024-05-13 19:11:45

A.J. Smith, former Chargers general manager, dies at 75
2024-03-12 08:38:55

This has been replaced.
2024-04-08 13:00:05

arxiv_citation: arXiv citation networks (1993-2003)
Citations among papers posted on under the hep-ph and hep-th categories, between 1993 and 2003. This time begins a few months after axiv was launched. If a paper i cites a paper j also in this data set, then a directed edge connects i to j. (Papers not in the data set are excluded.) These data were originally released as part of the 2003 KDD Cup.
This network has 34546 nodes and 421578 edges.
Tags: Informational,…

arxiv_citation: arXiv citation networks (1993-2003). 34546 nodes, 421578 edges.
2024-05-11 16:37:20

Opinie: Het kabinet-Wilders komt eraan! (Maar de teleurstellingen zijn nu al ingebakken) - Frans Leijnse is oud-informateur (2003) - de #Volkskrant

In het verleden waren er drie factoren die een formatie bepaalden: respect voor de feiten, de wederzijdse tolerantie voor uiteenlopende opvattingen, en de morele betrouwbaarheid. Coalitieonderhandelingen werden gevoerd op basis van erkende feiten, bijvoorbeeld over de toestand van de Rijksfinanciën. Deelnemende partijen erkenden elkaars standpunten als redelijk, ook al werden ze niet gedeeld. En tenslotte vertrouwde men elkaar niet alleen wat betreft het nakomen van gemaakte afspraken, maar mee…
2024-05-09 17:00:05

arxiv_collab: Scientific collaborations in physics (1995-2005)
Collaboration graphs for scientists, extracted from the Los Alamos e-Print arXiv (physics), for 1995-1999 for three categories, and additionally for 1995-2003 and 1995-2005 for one category. For copyright reasons, the MEDLINE (biomedical research) and NCSTRL (computer science) collaboration graphs from this paper are not publicly available.
This network has 31163 nodes and 120029 edges.
Tags: Social, Collaborati…

arxiv_collab: Scientific collaborations in physics (1995-2005). 31163 nodes, 120029 edges.
2024-03-05 09:00:14

amazon_copurchases: Amazon co-purchasing network (2003)
Network of items for sale on in 2003 and the items they "recommend" (via the "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought" feature). If one item is frequently co-purchased with another, then the first item recommends the second.
This network has 410236 nodes and 3356824 edges.
Tags: Economic, Commerce, Unweighted

amazon_copurchases: Amazon co-purchasing network (2003). 410236 nodes, 3356824 edges.
2024-05-05 04:00:10

arxiv_authors: Arxiv authors (1993-2003)
Scientific collaborations between authors of papers submitted to, under 5 categories: gr-qc, astro-ph, cond-mat, hep-ph, and hep-th categories, spanning January 1993 to April 2003. If an author i co-authored a paper with author j, the graph contains a undirected edge from i to j. If the paper is co-authored by k authors this generates a completely connected (sub)graph on k nodes.
This network has 108300 nodes and 186936 edges.

arxiv_authors: Arxiv authors (1993-2003). 108300 nodes, 186936 edges.