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2024-06-13 03:00:06

mist: MIST protein interaction database (2020)
The Molecular Interaction Search Tool (MIST) is a comprehensive resource of molecular interactions, assembled from severla primary sources. MIST currently supports several species, including:.
This network has 109706 nodes and 2864523 edges.
Tags: Biological, Protein interactions, Unweighted

mist: MIST protein interaction database (2020). 109706 nodes, 2864523 edges.
2024-06-18 13:37:19

RIP Lynn Conway, an engineer credited, along with Carver Mead, with laying the foundations of VLSI. I learned in 2020 that she was trans after IBM, who had fired her for that decades earlier, issued an apology. Here is a reminiscence she penned in 2014. May her memory be a blessing.
2024-06-13 07:05:39

Identification of cross-frequency interactions in compressible cavity flow using harmonic resolvent analysis
Md Rashidul Islam, Yiyang Sun