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2024-05-26 19:42:02 - An extended subtweet on power-over, vs power-with or power-to.
2024-04-26 11:50:41

The NHTSA closes a 2021 investigation into Tesla's Autopilot and opens a new one to evaluate whether a December 2023 Autopilot recall fix is effective enough (Sean O'Kane/TechCrunch)
2024-05-27 08:55:00

Nach Jahren der Verzögerung: iPhone-Nahverkehrstickets für Paris
Schon 2021 sollte es erstmals iPhone-Tickets auf dem europäischen Festland geben. Nun hat's der Pariser ÖPNV-Anbieter Île-de-France Mobilités endlich geschafft.
2024-05-25 17:33:28

I have many questions for the Washington Post.
1. You had this information in real time in 2021, and a statement from Alito’s wife. Did you reach out to ethics experts before deciding to bury this story?
2024-05-26 03:15:38

The Washington Post's decision not to report on the Alito flag story multiple times since 2021, even as SCOTUS ethics stories came out, raises many questions (Chris Geidner/Law Dork)
2024-04-24 13:42:03

2021 retro-link! - Consistent overhead byte stuffing for binary logs.
2024-05-26 16:42:02

2021 retro-link! - Fully automated bootstrapping from source.
2024-04-25 13:42:03

2021 retro-link! - austral: a systems language with linear types.
2024-04-26 16:42:03

2021 retro-link! - Dissecting the Apple M1 GPU, part IV.
2024-04-26 13:42:04

2021 retro-link! - Hiding images in plain sight: an acrylic magic window that can project a picture.