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2024-12-16 02:40:29

Have you remediated a PDF file with Acrobat? Have you ever accidentally clicked "Autotag document" and wiped out your manual tagging?
If so, please consider voting to remove this action from the context menu.
#Acrobat #PDF

In Adobe Acrobat, the context menu when right clicking on a tag in the tags pane. The menu item named "Autotag document" is highlighted.
2024-11-26 03:27:57

Went to Marfa to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Photos are Bitter Sugar coffee, Motel, a lit firebird hood in our room, and the bathtub. Visited friend Chris at Sticks & Bones, had an amazing sandwich at Bordo, ate at Margaret’s and LaVenture. Quick stop at Chinati Foundation as it was closing. My first trip to West Texas, I’d only gone East and North before. Texas is really big. #marfa #texas #roadtrip #bittersugar #sticksandbones
2024-12-31 13:47:43

The "going out of business" signs have gone up at our local Big Lots discount shop.
#BigLots #Retail #Ohio

An empty orange shopping cart with the words Big Lots sits in a  parking lot in front of a shop. A sign above the wide sliding entrance doors reads "Big Lots Entrance." Between that sign and the sliding doors is a vinyl banner that reads "Closing" in huge letters. Two big signs are posted on the doors. One reads "store closing" and the other reads "Entire store up to 25% off." The pavement of the parking lot has numerous cracks.
2024-11-03 16:12:58

Adieu, mon ami. Dans nos jeunes années, nous étions camarades de classe, et plus tard dans nos vies, nous avons partagé la place de la Palud lors de nos campagnes politiques. Je garderai en mémoire ton écoute et ta présence. Chaque soir, en traversant la ville, lorsque je vois un feu tricolore clignoter en orange, je penserai Š toi. Ce souvenir restera pour moi un moyen de te garder proche. Merci pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté.
2024-11-04 19:18:30

Ce jeudi 7 novembre 2024 au Falamix Š #Renens 📌
Merci de partager !
#intergen #informatique #clicensemble #Vaud