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2024-03-27 14:40:33

A survey of 10,133 US adults: 43% of those aged 18-29 used ChatGPT in February 2024, up from 33% in July 2023, compared to 27% of 30-49 and 23% of all adults (Colleen McClain/Pew Research Center)…
2024-03-27 23:21:45

At least 32 captured Ukrainian POWs executed by Russia during winter:
2024-03-27 10:29:00

Blender 4.1 mit Verbesserungen im Detail
Die Entwickler der freien 3D-Software Blender haben kleine Änderungen unter der Haube vorgenommen, aber auch an der Benutzeroberfläche gefeilt und poliert.
2024-03-26 12:51:41

Mehr als jedes. Fünfte. Kind. Ist. Arm.
In Deutschland.
Aber Union und FDP und Springer und INSM wollen, dass es noch mehr werden.
2024-03-27 20:29:23

An update on the Affinity/Canva thing, though I still don't trust them...
➡️ #software
2024-03-28 07:00:03
2024-03-27 14:20:28

Some NBC News staff raise concerns that the hiring and firing of Ronna McDaniel will damage relationships with GOP sources, making breaking news more difficult (Max Tani/Semafor)
2024-03-27 23:16:41

Sigh -my erstwhile hero. Alan Sokal, tonight talked at Toby Young's Free Speech Union -one of the foremost anti-science organisations.
2024-03-27 21:29:23

In Godot, there is a panel to configure Importer settings, and the way that it works there is that you need to "Save" the values if you like it.
I am thinking that on iPad, I should automatically save, without asking the user. But in that case, perhaps I should add a "Reset to defaults"?
But that is going to ruin my pretty UI
2024-03-27 22:14:29

That animation style looks dope.

‘Good Times’ Animated Reboot Is “Edgier And More Irreverent” Than Original, Says Star Yvette Nicole Brown
2024-03-26 09:30:58

Das Signal
Unaufegregter, sehr ruhig aber spannend und aufwändig inszenierter Vierteiler über ein Signal aus dem All und was daraus auf der Erde wird.
2024-03-27 11:51:20

In other news, Seirus has filed a cert petition:
2024-03-26 18:23:29

@… React has shown itself to be pretty slow! That said, there is a spectrum of React tooling. I’d rate Astro > Gatsby > Next.js for fast outputs of React stuff
2024-03-27 00:48:46

Searching for Decoherence from Quantum Gravity at the #IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory: -> IceCube search for neutrino decoherence from quantum gravity:
2024-03-27 19:29:19

Canada setting a blistering population growth of 3.2% in 2023! The most since the 1950s! Back then the baby boom was still a thing. Today, there were only 40,000 more births than deaths, 97.6% of the growth came from international sources. Over 471,000 people settled here (permanent immigration) the other nearly 1 million came as temporary migration, either workers or students. Our population just crossed 41 Million today!
2024-03-27 16:40:29

MegaPrompt: Critical Thinking Process #1: FLOATER:
2024-03-26 14:29:42

This criminal should be in jail.
2024-03-28 01:59:34

***Israel Deploys Expansive Facial Recognition Program in Gaza***
The experimental effort, which has not been disclosed, is being used to conduct mass surveillance of Palestinians in Gaza, according to military officials and others.
2024-03-27 20:07:47

Französisch und vegetarisch. Ein Genuss.
(Gezupfte Austernpilze / Süßkartoffelpüree / Orangenjus / Grillgemüse)

Ein heller, mit blauen konzentrischen Streifen gemusterter Teller, von oben fotografiert. Man erkennt eine kreisrunde Portion des Süßkartoffelpürees und etwas vom Grillgemüse, die Pilze bleiben darunter verborgen. Umrahmt ist das Ganze von ringförmigen braunen Saucensträngen
Eine weiße Löwenkopf-Suppenterrine mit Unterteller, von oben fotografiert, darin die Zwiebelsuppe, eine kleine Scheibe Weißbrot, mit Käse gratiniert und eine Erbsensprosse
2024-03-26 09:29:01

As I do more with open standards (mostly OpenAPI), I realise that there is more to standards than writing them!
There Are No Standards Police #linkTuesday
2024-01-28 03:29:16

I just love how cats have developed meows just to communicate with us when they talk in a completely different sort of chatter language amongst themselves
2024-03-27 03:15:17

xpost from my account
big lizard visits toronto #godzilla #kaiju #toronto

black and white ink sketch of godzilla standing between the curved towers of toronto’s city hall

Trump placed under limited gag order ahead of N.Y. hush money trial
The judge overseeing Donald Trump’s upcoming hush money trial in Manhattan issued a limited #gag #order Tuesday barring Mr Trump from discussing witnesses and other people involved in the case
-- a move that could curtail some of Trump’s public c…
2024-02-27 23:03:20

Wrote a bit about the Automattic spits on their users by selling their work to "AI" companies.
2024-03-27 14:53:29

After I sent out my last newsletter issue, two people wrote back just to say thank you for encouraging them to write and publish more on their website – this feedback really makes my day! 🤗💪💚 #OwnYourWeb
2024-03-26 13:47:29

A 10, but they bite me randomly and blame it on being Satan's Spawn. So more like a 15.
2024-03-27 18:29:07

Now THAT is a freaking awesome bumper/tailgate sticker.
Holy moly
2024-02-27 21:51:29

Just as a reminder to those who have signed up for emails following our transition from Substack, please check your spam folders to confirm your subscription. Lots of good people are in the queue but have been "pending," likely due to this.
2024-03-27 12:03:29

It’s my birthday and I’m spending it with the one person in the world I want to be with: @…! 🥰
2024-03-26 20:53:29

Yes this is a Git joke.
I've had to do so many hellish merges lately, I'm kinda going insane. 👍
2024-03-27 12:29:26

Releasing novel-writer 1.9.16
- 進捗をリセットを追加
- 当日の進捗を0にできるようになりました
- MacでNFC, NFDに起因する文字数のカウントに失敗していたバグの修正
2024-03-26 12:29:03

Schoigu: Idee einer neuen Mobilmachung für Pufferzone ist "Unsinn"
Der russische Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu hält eine weitere Mobilmachung von Soldaten zur Sicherung einer Pufferzone im Grenzgebiet für unnötig. Eine solche Idee sei "Unsinn", sagt Schoigu, ein enger Vertrauter des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin, der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur RIA zufolge. Putin sagte unlängst, das…
2024-04-26 22:29:29

Trump VP hopeful Kristi Noem is very proud of that time she murdered her dog
2024-03-27 21:38:26

Pitch perfect. 😂 #academia #HigherEducation…
2024-03-27 07:03:29

Jugendarbeit im Wedding mal anders
2024-03-26 21:31:29

@… and myself are going to be working on a brand new list of instances that users can find out a bit of information about that will help them decide if a specific instance is right for them or not.
This is going to be a huge project, but it's going to be something that's going to benefit a lot of individuals in a very positive wa…

An image that says New Beginnings. You can see a sunset happening in the background with some trees, some houses, a road and other things.
2024-03-27 15:29:15

Ausfälle bei der Deutschen Bahn: Darum sind Stellwerke oft unbesetzt
Die Bahn fällt wegen eines unbesetzten Stellwerks aus. Den Satz kennen viele Hessinnen und Hessen aus Durchsagen am Bahnsteig. Aber warum fehlt in Stellwerken so oft Personal? Und warum sind sie so wichtig für den Bahnverkehr?
2024-03-27 15:34:31

NIVEL weekcijfers van week 12.
In de monsters wordt inmiddels al weer vaker Sars-Cov-2 dan influenza gevonden. Aardige illustratie dat de griepepidemie weer behoorlijk voorbij is en zelfs het 'basisniveau' (het dal waar we nu in zitten) van corona al wel een (veel) hogere incidentie lijkt te hebben dan de influenza-golf als die tot zeg maar iets als 1/3 van de piek afgenomen is.

Respiratoire virussen (influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV en andere luchtwegvirussen)
Bron: virologische testuitslagen van de monsters afgenomen door 140 Nivel Peilstations (Methode Surveillance)

Wat valt op:

In geen van de monsters afgenomen bij patiënten met influenza-achtig ziektebeeld (IAZ) is in week 12 een influenzavirus gevonden.
Er werden in totaal 34 monsters afgenomen: 14 bij patiënten met IAZ en 20 bij patiënten met een andere acute respiratoire infectie (ARI).  In deze 29 monsters werden …
2024-02-27 00:29:00
Requirements for Japanese text layout. Fascinating document — so many details. Japanese typography has to deal with a combo of four alphabets/syllabaries/logograms, and vertical brush calligraphy mixed with left-to-right latin text influences.
2024-03-28 07:42:18

Heute morgen auf dem Ohr, mal wieder eine Wissenschaftsgeschichte aus der Geschichte.
Immer wieder spannend wenn Jahrzehnte später aufgeklärt werden soll, wer etwas entdeckt oder erfunden hat.
Aber eigentlich stehen alle „on the shoulders of giants“ und manchmal ist die Zeit einfach reif. Dann wird was erfunden und es lag nicht am Genie der Einzelperson sondern der Bereitschaft der Wissenschaft für die Entdeckung.
2024-03-28 03:06:29

Time cell-like firing in cerebellar slice (Purkinje cells) driven by slow heterogeneous synapses.
2024-03-27 23:21:45

At least 32 captured Ukrainian POWs executed by Russia during winter:
2024-03-26 16:29:00

heise | Mehr Ertrag aus der PV-Anlage: Das bringen Leistungsoptimierer
Sie versprechen, die Ausbeute der eigenen Photovoltaikanlagen zu verbessern: Leistungsoptimierer. Wir zeigen, was sie bringen.
2024-03-26 12:14:09

„Landgericht Berlin (hat) im einstweiligen Verfügungsverfahren von Oyoun gegen den Tagesspiegel zugunsten von Oyoun entschieden.
Ebenso wurden die Vorwürfe bezüglich angeblicher antisemitischer Vorfälle im Kulturzentrum Oyoun als unbegründet eingestuft.“
War denen nicht deswegen das Geld komplett gestrichen worden?
2024-03-27 18:29:24

Work/life balance:
2024-03-27 15:35:25

The Ron DeSantis-appointed board of Disney World's district settles a state lawsuit with Disney, which agrees to revoke changes that limited the board's power (Bloomberg)
2024-01-28 00:40:52

Sources: DJ Novotney, an Apple VP of hardware engineering who led work on home devices and helped start Apple's electric vehicle project, is leaving for Rivian (Bloomberg)
2024-03-27 11:46:12

Here is is, the law review article that started it all (for me):
After learning about the Tilted Arc controversy, I lo…
2024-03-26 08:26:42

Mal ehrlich: ihr habt so einen Stapel doch auch alle zu Hause liegen, oder?

Ein großer Stapel 5 1/4 Zoll Festplatten und ein kleinerer mit 2 1/2 Zoll Platten
2024-03-27 18:32:41

Hab gerade eine alternative Grußformel für böse Briefe erfunden, die man nutzen kann, wenn man nicht »Hochachtungsvoll« schreiben möchte:
Mit verächtlichem Schnauben
2024-03-26 14:00:56

Don’t be stupid, people. Get vaccinated, and vaccinate your kids. Vaccines are one of the great gifts of modernity, and all who are eligible should get vaccinated.
2024-03-27 00:39:38

A Universe of Sound - processing NASA data into sonifications to explore participant response: #sonified NASA data of three astronomical objects presented as aural visualizations, then surveyed blind or low-vision and sighted individuals to elicit feedback on the experience of these pieces as it relates to enjoyment, education, and trust of the scientific data."
2024-03-27 19:17:51

Wow -explosive revelations about the #PostOffice scandal on #Channel4News…
2024-03-28 02:02:09

**Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr joins Tavis Smiley**
"Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr tells us why it’s time to make right on the injustices done against tribal citizens of Freedmen descent."…
2024-03-27 02:44:36
Content warning: godzilla x kong speculation

i've purposely been avoiding reading much about the upcoming movie but it struck me that godzilla's new shape and glowy colour resembles the build and glowy colour of mechagodzilla from the last movie (which i just rewatched). hmmmmm
2024-03-26 20:53:29

Yes this is a Git joke.
I've had to do so many hellish merges lately, I'm kinda going insane. 👍
2024-03-28 07:00:04
Content warning: iran pol

RT by @Khani2Mina: سوران عبدی، جوان ۲۲ ساله‌ای که عاشق بازیگری بود، اما سختی‌های زندگی او را ناچار کرد برای تامین زندگی به کولبری روی بیاورد.
وی سرانجام روز یک‌شنبه و در حالی که تنها پنج روز از بهار گذشته بود، با شلیک گلوله‌ای توسط نیروهای هنگ‌مرزی که بر قلبش نشست، آرزوی بازیگری را برای همیشه با خود به زیر خاک برد.
سوران عبدی در سال ۱۳۹۲ در فیلم "بدرود آنالوگ" با کارگردانی هیوا امین‌نژاد در نقش "دیاکو" ایفای نقش کرده بود.
این فیلم پیشتر جایزه بهترین فیلم…
2024-03-27 22:29:34

Russians Claim of 'Ukrainian Trace' in the Crocus Mall Terrorist Attack – Leshchenko:
2024-03-26 10:44:06

40 Referent*innen will die neue Linke Gruppe einstellen, aber niemand für Digitalpolitik - kann man machen, aber ist auch ein bisschen wow.
2024-03-26 18:07:41

Wide-ranging discussion at today’s graduate seminar on how predictive processing theories can explain consciousness, action, belief, intention, and meditation. 😅
2024-03-27 15:34:31

NIVEL weekcijfers van week 12.
In de monsters wordt inmiddels al weer vaker Sars-Cov-2 dan influenza gevonden. Aardige illustratie dat de griepepidemie weer behoorlijk voorbij is en zelfs het 'basisniveau' (het dal waar we nu in zitten) van corona al wel een (veel) hogere incidentie lijkt te hebben dan de influenza-golf als die tot zeg maar iets als 1/3 van de piek afgenomen is.

Respiratoire virussen (influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV en andere luchtwegvirussen)
Bron: virologische testuitslagen van de monsters afgenomen door 140 Nivel Peilstations (Methode Surveillance)

Wat valt op:

In geen van de monsters afgenomen bij patiënten met influenza-achtig ziektebeeld (IAZ) is in week 12 een influenzavirus gevonden.
Er werden in totaal 34 monsters afgenomen: 14 bij patiënten met IAZ en 20 bij patiënten met een andere acute respiratoire infectie (ARI).  In deze 29 monsters werden …
2024-02-27 18:29:00 Rechtswidrige behördliche Auskunftsanfragen stark angestiegen
Nicht nur die Gesamtmenge der Ersuchen von Ermittlern ist bei 2023 von 55 auf 133 nach oben geschnellt, sondern auch der Anteil der unzulässigen.
2024-03-27 15:45:32

Two journalists who were attacked by Minnesota police as they covered the 2020 George Floyd protests for the LA Times settle a lawsuit with the state for $1.2M (Hannah Wiley/Los Angeles Times)<…
2024-01-28 04:35:50

X plans to build a new "Trust and Safety center of excellence" in Austin, TX, aiming to hire 100 full-time moderators to fight child sexual exploitation content (Kurt Wagner/Bloomberg)
2024-03-27 10:53:35

RIP Richard Serra. I decided to go to law school after reading about the Tilted Arc controversy.
2024-03-27 22:29:34

Russians Claim of 'Ukrainian Trace' in the Crocus Mall Terrorist Attack – Leshchenko:
2024-03-27 10:07:04

Sigh #JustOneThing is peddling quackery again, on #BBCradio4
2024-03-26 16:31:26

Euclid's sight restored: #Euclid's optics has performed significantly better than hoped; after the very first mirror was warmed by just 34 degrees, Euclid's sight was restored. More technical details:
2024-03-28 07:00:04
2024-03-26 17:15:04

I’m no lawyer, but one thing you definitely don’t want to do if you’re about to go on criminal trial is piss off the judge. #Trump
2024-03-27 04:50:39

NBCU News Group executives took the only decision they could have when reversing Ronna McDaniel's hire, following the on-air revolt by MSNBC's biggest stars (David Zurawik/CNN)
2024-03-26 20:58:40

D40,601 - issued in 1910 for a design for a "molasses pitcher.' #DesignPatents

from the spec: "The drawing is a perspective view of a
pitcher or jug showing my new design.
The leading features of my design comprise
a pitcher of pear shape provided with
prisms extending longitudinally and terminating
below the horizontal band of the
metallic cover which has a lid provided with
a knob."
2024-01-28 00:10:51

With high-stakes elections in 2024, some experts are worried that a piece of disinformation potentially involving a deepfake might soon have a calamitous impact (Tim Harford/Financial Times)
2024-03-28 07:00:04
Content warning: iran pol

RT by @Khani2Mina: هستیار عبدالکریمی (هَستیار) کودک کولبر ۱۵ ساله اهل دیواندره، که شامگاه یک‌شنبه ۵ فروردین ۱۴۰۳ در حین کولبری در مرز سقز در اثر سرمازدگی جانش را از دست داد.
2024-03-27 11:35:25

BBC DG Tim Davie says the BBC's budget cuts since 2010 have been "shortsighted" and risked undermining its future, and announces a further £200M of budget cuts (Alexandra Topping/The Guardian)
2024-03-26 09:12:07

Wife at #LittleHuman are visiting family in Germany without me because the school and university holidays don’t overlap, and I have to teach. 😢 #academia #HigherEd
2024-03-27 11:51:20

In other news, Seirus has filed a cert petition:
2024-01-28 07:05:43

Apple has handled its response, including the proposed App Store changes, to the EU's DMA with aplomb despite the law being an assault on Apple's brand promise (Steven Sinofsky/Hardcore Software)
2024-03-27 12:31:29

Polish businesses face losses amidst border blockade with Ukraine Polish businesses are experiencing significant losses due to the ongoing border blockade with Ukraine, affecting both countries’ econo Source :
2024-03-27 10:55:25

A US judge lets a defamation lawsuit against Netflix by a former friend of con artist Anna Sorokin over the Shonda Rhimes miniseries Inventing Anna proceed (Gene Maddaus/Variety)
2024-03-28 07:00:02
2024-03-27 11:46:12

Here is is, the law review article that started it all (for me):
After learning about the Tilted Arc controversy, I lo…
2024-01-28 06:16:02

Researchers detail the rise of sextortion of young users on TikTok, Instagram, and other apps, driven by Yahoo Boys, an informal West African cybercriminal gang (Lora Kolodny/NBC News)
2024-03-27 02:15:33

A look at Disney Hotstar's and JioCinema's strategy to beat Netflix and Prime Video in India, including by focusing on sports content and affordable pricing (Ananya Bhattacharya/Rest of World)<…
2024-03-27 10:53:35

RIP Richard Serra. I decided to go to law school after reading about the Tilted Arc controversy.
2024-01-28 05:16:08

The Biden admin plans to use the Defense Production Act to require companies to inform the Commerce Department when they start training high-powered AI models (Will Knight/Wired)
2024-03-26 20:58:40

D40,601 - issued in 1910 for a design for a "molasses pitcher.' #DesignPatents

from the spec: "The drawing is a perspective view of a
pitcher or jug showing my new design.
The leading features of my design comprise
a pitcher of pear shape provided with
prisms extending longitudinally and terminating
below the horizontal band of the
metallic cover which has a lid provided with
a knob."
2024-03-27 12:40:22

How Politico's untested leadership team is changing the outlet in an election year, as Politico faces increased competition in DC from its former staffers (Charlotte Klein/Vanity Fair)
2024-01-28 04:06:18

X blocks searches about Taylor Swift as a "temporary action and done with an abundance of caution", days after explicit AI-generated images of her flooded X (Wall Street Journal)
2024-03-27 09:15:25

An analysis of ~65 NYT articles on US anti-trans legislation from the year to February 15, 2024: 66% did not quote a trans person, and 18% had misinformation (Media Matters for America)
2024-03-27 16:35:26

Amazon loses an EU legal bid to delay complying with DSA rules on making its online ad library publicly available, after a judge rejected Amazon's request (Clothilde Goujard/Politico)
2024-03-27 12:05:27

Bill Maher launches The Club Random Studios, a podcast network with a focus on "freedom of expression", and hires ex-ESPN anchor Sage Steele as its first host (Alex Weprin/The Hollywood Reporter)
2024-03-27 09:55:30

Source: i-D magazine, which Karlie Kloss acquired in late 2023, lays off ~10 staff in London, or most of its editorial employees; two editors will remain (Lauren Sherman/@lapresmidi)
2024-03-27 06:35:31

RIAA: US recorded music industry revenues grew 8% YoY to $17.1B in 2023, with paid subscription revenues up 11% to $10.1B and paid subscriptions up 6% to 96.8M (Murray Stassen/Music Business Worldwide)
2024-03-27 04:25:35

Sources and a lawsuit by ex-Arena Group CEO Ross Levinsohn detail The Arena Group's chaotic handling of Sports Illustrated and a messy transfer to Minute Media (A.J. Perez/Front Office Sports)
2024-03-27 19:45:29

Sources: ex-Vice chief Shane Smith is trying to raise money to buy Vice Media back from Fortress, which led a' group that bought Vice out of bankruptcy in 2023 (The Wrap)
2024-03-27 13:10:29

Disney launches Hulu on Disney , after testing the integration in beta in 2023; Disney users that do not subscribe to Hulu can still search for Hulu shows (Alex Weprin/The Hollywood Reporter)