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2024-08-23 04:54:22

• And, lastly, almost, to the #Ufology community, please look back through the thousands of #UFO #UAP sightings in the databases[. See] how many of the incidents were reported on the night of a
2024-07-03 11:23:04

“Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.””
John 20:29 NRSV

A group of men dressed in robes are gathered in a dimly lit room. A man kneels before another standing figure, both at the center, while the rest sit around. Text overlay reads, "…Blessed are those who have not seen
2024-07-04 22:48:29

Anxiety particles float about looking for things to attach to. Immigration is a magnet for general anxiety. That's why populists win. But immigration is not really a problem. Sadly the country may not realise this till it's too late.
(Vince Cable has just made the point that there is no immigration problem in Sunderland or Blyth)
#GE2024 #generalelection2024 #torydeathparty
2024-08-20 14:04:06

Brilliant #SturgeonMoon with #voiceover, shining above #HellsKitchen in #NewYorkCity. Lovely big city #lunar observation from another first-time retootee PerryTrails (@…).
Great movie, Perry. We're looking fwd to retooting and boosting more of your #MoonPhoto work.
🔗 #NYC #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #FullMoon #SuperMoon #GayTravel