2024-12-26 00:37:02
Meine Firefox-Addons Ende 2024 – #internet
Meine Firefox-Addons Ende 2024 – #internet
I am so tired of people trying to shove AI down my throat that anytime anyone talks about AI or adopts anything using it or anything like that I will just go on a ten minute tangent about how massive companies suck and AI is not even remotely the future. You did this to me, OpenAI/Microsoft/Apple/<insert other massive company here>.
The ruble has lost 1/3rd of its value vs. the yuan, but if you factor in OTHER extra costs...
China strongly limits Russian access to tech in mech. engineering, aviation, and microelectronics.
"...they openly tell us: if you want to get some technologies, buy the product as a whole. We say: no, at best we need components that we'll replace soon. They tell us: we understand this, but aren't going to do it at normal prices. Here is double the price - please.&…