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2024-06-16 14:00:05

On the 101st anniversary of the end of the October Revolution #OTD, here's The History of the Soviet Union but it's Steamed Hams

A video of characters from The Simpson's named Seymour Skinner and Superintendent Gary Chalmers sitting at a fancily decorated table in Seymour's house partially redubbed with AI voices in order to say different things. Seymour is holding a plate of hamburgers as the original plot revolved around him not preparing the meal he originally promised named “Steamed Hams”.

In the background there's a door through which Seymour walks and afterwards gets confronted about. On the other side you can see…
2024-06-16 02:03:07

laptop: repaired
2024-06-16 07:52:38

Russian attacks across Ukraine kill 3, injure 6 over past day:
2024-06-16 07:00:03

1/ Wir sind hier auf dem #Mauerradweg. Falls Ihr uns zugucken möchtet. #live #stadtradeln
2024-06-16 14:07:59

Prairie dog October 2017

photo of a prairie dog sitting on top of its burrow. They do not live on the prairie, and they're not dogs. They are rodents. They should properly be called steppe squirrels. They are often infested with fleas that harbor the plague virus. Sometimes a whole colony will die off due to this infection. They don't hibernate during the winter and can often be seen scurrying around in the snow on sunny days all winter long. Cute af.
2024-06-16 07:49:00

"Community Management betrifft Publisher, Politik, Vereine, Sport und viele mehr. Deshalb: Macht die Kommentarspalten an, lasst Diskussionen zu. Aber schafft auch ein sicheres Umfeld – frei von Hatespeech und Toxic!"
Sönke Reimers, Sprecher der Geschäftsführung dfv Mediengruppe anläßlich der Studie "2024: Relevanz von #CommunityManagement"
2024-06-16 07:38:34

“How Apple’s podcast transcriptions came to be”
#Accessibility #a11y #transcriptions
2024-06-16 03:07:54

Well, let's see; that creation order thing would put animals in charge (proving it's a stupid reason to keep women out of pastoral care): “What better way to express our countercultural commitment to the goodness of God’s word than to affirm God’s creation order in relation to the office of pastor?”
**The Southern Baptist Convention vote on IVF: The group’s stance on reproductive technology is only the beginning.**
2024-06-16 15:00:03

Welcome to Infosec.Exchange!
31 cool videos — a different one each day.
This is #16.
2024-06-16 17:36:20

Cool science here.
2024-06-16 16:55:08

If #mastodon has plugin support think of all the #patreon integration you could build.
2024-06-16 10:01:03

Wen von Euch sehe ich heute noch?
@… @…

Plakat bei der Radparade Berlin, die für die strikte Beibehaltung bestehender Tempo-30-Strecken und Erweiterung 30 Stunden in Berlin radfahrend demonstriert.
Das Foto zeigt ein Plakat mit einem stilisierten Herz, das in der Mitte die Zahl "30" trägt. Darüber steht der Text "30 Stunden für Tempo" 30.
2024-06-16 16:03:40

Pop-up-Fahrradwerkstatt ist wieder da:
Die Bremse muss nachgezogen werden, die Klingel gibt keinen Laut mehr von sich oder der Reifen ist platt? Schnelle Hilfe bietet die Pop-up-Werkstatt, die immer mittwochs von 12:30 bis 14:30 unter einem Pavillon am Gustav-Heinemann-Platz angeboten wird, solange es nicht zu sehr regnet oder stürmt.
2024-06-16 03:46:41

oh just 3,900 bookmarks...
2024-06-16 06:07:10

#Blakes7 Series B, Episode 10 - Voice from the Past
GLYND: I will indict the Terra Administration, doubtless provoking an uproar.
LE GRAND: Any attempt to interfere will be countered by my security people. B7B1
2024-06-16 03:10:48

NASA, Global Astronomers Await Rare Nova Explosion - T Coronae Borealis due to flare this fall.
2024-06-16 16:22:10

Heute noch nix gelernt.
2024-06-16 07:41:08

92gCO2/kWh National Grid CO2 intensity so-so wrt last 24h so don't run big appliances now if you can wait. #CO2

2024-06-16 01:07:47

In the US as of Saturday, there had been more than 215 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
The nonpartisan online resource defines a mass shooting as one in which four or more victims are wounded or killed.
#TheGuardian #USA
2024-06-16 17:44:31

Father’s Day is the perfect day to share my favourite dad joke:
Q. What’s orange and like a parrot?
2024-06-16 14:00:34

Logic Matters || Back to the Study Guide?
2024-06-16 02:03:07

laptop: repaired
2024-06-16 15:07:20

Chilean president vows to support Ukraine peace efforts at Switzerland summit:
2024-06-16 12:53:07

You know which websites are not SEO optimised? Space agencies websites (think NASA and ESA). Yet they are packed with extremely interesting and important knowledge.
2024-06-16 15:00:07

residence_hall: ANU Residence Hall network
A network of friendships among students living in a residence hall at Australian National University (date unknown). Edge direction indicates that resident i named resident j as a friend, and edge weight indicates the level of friendship: 5 (best friend), 4 (close friend), 3 (friend), 2, 1.
This network has 217 nodes and 2672 edges.
Tags: Social, Offline, Weighted

residence_hall: ANU Residence Hall network. 217 nodes, 2672 edges.
2024-06-16 07:04:30

Dass Deutschland beim Strom eine einheitliche Preiszone ist, um in Süddeutschland die Strompreise künstlich niedrig zu halten, während in norddeutsche Flächenländern hohe Preise gezahlt werden müssen, hat jetzt dazu geführt, dass Schweden ein Stromtrassenprojekt nach Deutschland abgebrochen hat. Es hätte auch in Schweden voraussichtlich zu höheren Preisen geführt.
2024-06-16 03:37:14

#Austin 0
#Colorado 2
2024-06-16 03:43:20

I have lived in countries where the age of consent is 15.
It's really not a problem. Only the Americans are having a hysterical freakout, because they are terrified of sex.
2024-06-16 16:01:24

Ghosting is not new. the transition between high school and college used to be one giant ghosting event. Hundreds of people just disappearing from your life.
2024-06-16 06:51:31

Bist Du eigentlich in EM-Stimmung? Diese Frage habe ich die Tage sehr oft gehört. War ich eher nicht, aber das Spiel vom Freitag hat schon etwas bewirkt. Warum also nicht die kommenden vier Wochen bei guter Radiomucke Spaß haben, ohne die kackbraunen Probleme aus dem Blick zu verlieren?
#Wochenschau #EM
2024-06-16 02:34:14

@… This argues for Federal legalization so Cannabis can be regulated for purity.
2024-06-16 08:41:07

81gCO2/kWh National Grid CO2 intensity is LOW wrt last 24h so you can run your wash etc now! #green #energy
2024-06-16 05:15:09

:roots: :roots: :roots: !!! #Soccer #USLC #NorCalDerby
2024-06-16 14:00:40

Crooked Timber || Sunday photoblogging: Iceland (2011)
2024-06-16 03:28:20

オンド・マルトノ (Ondes Martenot)。テレミン (Терменвокс / 英: Theremin) と同じ分類になるでしょうか。
2024-06-16 14:47:48

Just another way to say Twitter has zero value and to say it twice.
2024-06-16 10:14:20

Den Mist einfach mal vier Wochen beiseite schieben? Meine Wochenschau u.a. zur #EM2024
Und ein neues Experiment. Ich habe das Titelbild mal von Luma Dream Machine animieren lassen.
#Video #AI
2024-06-16 14:39:57

I was also thinking about getting user emails in a list to do something for retention. I would love to put more focus on keeping the users we got since the flow of new users is currently at a trickle.
2024-06-16 18:00:27

Alexander Pruss's Blog || Integration Information Theory doesn't seem to get integrated information right
2024-06-16 09:49:34

Die Cartoons der Woche von Thomas Plaßmann, Klaus Stuttmann und Chappatte im Spiegel
#EM2024, die Sahra und die Alice

Karikierte Sahra Wagenknecht und Alice Weidel mit Russland-Fähnchen vor dem EM2024-Fernseher. Beide wissen nicht, für wen sie denn nun die Daumen drücken sollen.
2024-06-16 14:38:41

Occasionally mastodon servers go down. When they do I wish there was a more clear way to communicate with users.
Recently I thought maybe I should write a script to pull the list of emails from the server so I could occasionally message them. Is that something that would make sense for downtime messages?
What do other #mastoadmin folk do?
2024-06-16 09:30:00

KI-Schreibhilfen: Inhaltlich und bei der Sprachqualität liegen #DeepL und die Wolf-Schneider-KI nahezu gleichauf – mit leichten Sympathien für die #WSKI. Was beiden Diensten fehlt, sind individuelle Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Ob und wie jemand gendern möchte, und auch typographisch korrekte Anführungszei…
2024-06-16 14:34:01

It just hard not to assume that in 30 years Gollum will battle Thanos and we'll be excited about it.
2024-06-16 03:47:52

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Johannes Brahms, Danish National Radio Choir & Stefan Parkman:
🎵 5 Songs for chorus, Op 104
#JohannesBrahms #DanishNationalRadioChoir #StefanParkman
2024-06-16 08:35:03

#OTD #20240616date
2024-07-03 11:23:04

“Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.””
John 20:29 NRSV

A group of men dressed in robes are gathered in a dimly lit room. A man kneels before another standing figure, both at the center, while the rest sit around. Text overlay reads, "…Blessed are those who have not seen
2024-07-03 10:45:09

Carl E Rasmussen, who you might know from his foundational work on GPs, discussing a new measurement to access the impact of a person on global warming/climate change.
The Degree Person Days:
2024-06-16 03:40:56

🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #ThroughTheNight
Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, Musica Fiorita & Daniela Dolci:
🎵 Sonata in D major for 2 violins and continuo
#ÉlisabethJacquetdeLaGuerre #MusicaFiorita #DanielaDolci
2024-08-07 03:29:58

Der #SouvereignTechFund hat die angekündigte neue Fördeung spezifiziert: Fellowship for Maintainers
2024-07-03 22:01:28

A last-minute #WIPWednesday with the blessings of Nurgle!
#WarhammerCommunity #WIPWarhammer

A gym bro who didn't keep up his body hygiene.
2024-06-17 07:23:00

Windows 11: Vorschau auf 24H2 wieder verfügbar – ohne Recall
Microsoft hatte die Verteilung der Update-Vorschau auf Windows 11 24H2 überraschend gestoppt, nun ist sie wieder verfügbar. Ihr fehlt Recall.
2024-06-17 03:40:32

Sources: activist fund Starboard Value has taken a ~$500M stake in Autodesk and spoken to its board over concerns regarding a probe that led to its CFO's ouster (Rohan Goswami/CNBC)
2024-06-18 16:09:07

We went to Ruidoso, New Mexico last year for the annular solar eclipse. A beautiful place.
Wishing good luck to everyone there with the current wildfires. :(
2024-06-19 01:39:09
“Since Monday, June 10, 2024, production has stopped worldwide at all of the forklift manufacturer's locations, i.e. not only in Roding (Germany), but also at the location in New Bremen, USA. The company's switchboard is dead, so the manufacturer cannot be reached by phone.”
Crown Equipment Corp Victim of a Ransomware Attack
2024-06-18 03:22:05

Ouf, read the comments. It’s not as simple as one might think…
2024-06-18 03:00:16

2024-07-03 20:18:05

Dog park time!
Our favorite dog park in Matthews has added gravel around the water bowl area, so now it’s not muddy!
We have the large dog side all to ourselves this afternoon.
Life is good in the summertime as North Carolina classroom teachers!

A golden retriever standing on a grassy field with some patches of dirt. Trees and a fence are visible in the background.
A sunny park scene with green trees and a clear blue sky. Weather information overlay shows Matthews, 90°F, mostly clear, 4:06 PM on July 3. Sun icons indicate sunrise at 6:13 AM and sunset at
Two golden retrievers sniffing around water bowls and a cone near a water tap in a fenced gravel area.
2024-07-27 10:23:03

the whole #innovation paradigm, including asking for more #startups, is just a pseudo-solution for the consequences of markets wich got closed by monopols
unregulated markets ruin the world by forcing products that are not adapted to a good life and instead only create or sustaine the
2024-06-18 07:36:04

Kino – North Creek Trail (05-31-2024) (64kbps Recording)
2024-06-19 02:03:13

Willie Mays Passes Away
#MLB #Baseball #MLBTradeRumors
2024-06-18 07:01:28

Het NSC van #PieterOmtzigt is definitief toegetreden tot de RFF (racisme & fascisme fanclub). "Kom niet aan onze Bosma!"

Reinout van Malenstein (Niet verkozen EP kandidaat NSC)
@Reinout1984 op twiX:
Schandalig dat geprobeerd wordt om het ambt van Kamervoorzitter te weren bij de herdenking. Kamervoorzitter Bosma zou uiteraard welkom moeten zijn bij de herdenking. Wij moeten waken tegen links en rechts populisme. #nsc #vrijheid #democratie #rechtsstaat

6:23 p.m. · 17 jun. 2024
107,1K Weergaven
2024-06-18 18:11:00

Great work by @…
2024-06-18 03:07:15

🥊 Accidental champion Deontay Wilder was the American dream misunderstood | Bryan Armen Graham
2024-06-17 07:19:03
Content warning:

It's the Day of Selene / Luna's Day / #Monday! 🌛
Sometimes, #Selene is equated with #Artemis.
"She [Kallisto] was a hunting companion of Artemis, imitating her dress and remaining…

Roman fresco of Artemis and Callisto. It depicts Artemis, seated and wearing radiate crown, turning towards an almost naked Callisto, surrounded by the goddess' retinue.
2024-06-17 20:43:34

"Staatsbesuche", "behördlichen Anordnungen" und die Bahn: Berlin ist zunehmend von Bahnstörungen betroffen, die mit seiner Rolle als Bundeshauptstadt zusammenhängen. Zu den starken Einschränkungen, die am 11. und 12. Juni den Verkehr mehrmals zum Erliegen brachten, hat der Fahrgastverband PRO BAHN einige Fragen. PRO BAHN Berlin/Brandenburg fordert das Bundeskanzleramt und das Innenministerium auf, die Belange von hunderttausenden Fahrgästen zukünftig in der Planung höher……
2024-07-03 12:46:24

I started a new community on Reddit called “Learn with Wes”
Please join me there!
I’m sharing articles,podcasts, videos, and other media links I find interesting and useful as I continue my professional work in media lit…
2024-06-17 07:08:00

Rückbau eines Kernkraftwerks im Video: Besuch im AKW
Wir haben das Kernkraftwerk in Grafenrheinfeld besucht und zeigen im Video, wie der Rückbau vorangeht.
2024-06-17 19:00:03
Content warning: Mashup of “Inside Out” and “The Emoji Movie” as a Sequel

In the first movie, Riley's father needed to move to California for a new job opportunity, but what was his job? Easy: he works for Elon Musk's Neural Link, who have just began their human testing!
He signs up his daughter and she gets the latest brain to machine interface built directly into her skull.
As a gift for participating she gets the phone from the Emoji movie, it's reused from the previous owner. Elon Musk makes a remark about this being more “green” and “eco friendl…
2024-06-18 16:09:07

We went to Ruidoso, New Mexico last year for the annular solar eclipse. A beautiful place.
Wishing good luck to everyone there with the current wildfires. :(
2024-06-18 03:00:16

2024-06-17 03:15:29

Sources: Wells Fargo's credit card with fintech startup Bilt, which gets points on rent payments and saw 1M signups in 18 months, costs the bank up to $10M/mo. (Wall Street Journal)
2024-06-18 16:31:15

Great explainer here:
2024-07-03 12:31:09

My morning [PODCAST] listen: #AngryPlanet “The Hard Limits of Cyber War and Subversion Operations” with Lennart Maschmeyer
2024-06-19 01:59:44

This Crown Equipment attack. Hoo boy what a disaster at so many levels.
2024-06-18 16:03:16

Branded ‘Foreign Agents,’ Wives and Mothers of Mobilized Russian Soldiers Face Uncertain Future - The Moscow Times
2024-06-18 07:22:58

"Sophie Hermans en Ruben Brekelmans zijn waardeloze politici, en dat bedoel ik letterlijk: ze hebben klaarblijkelijk geen waarden. Het zijn ordinaire strebers, die zelfs bij volstrekt helder weer de verkeerde morele afslag nemen. Bij Rutte was het al niet veel, maar de Her- en Brekelmansen hebben zo mogelijk nog minder visie, idealen of moraal: ze hebben alleen hun eigen lullige carrièrepaadje."
2024-06-17 03:14:10

verbalie des tur­nier­tags
„Jetzt sind wir im industriellen Herz Deutschlands, wo Stahlwerke und Kohleminen alle nicht mehr da sind. Und es ist nicht wirklich viel übrig geblieben“
Kaveh Solhekol, Reporter des britischen Senders Sky, beim Anblick von Gelsenkirchen
Taz 17.06.2024
2024-07-03 12:25:14

Breakfast: Fried eggs (over easy) and bacon

Plate of fried eggs and crispy bacon strips on a blue and white checkered dish.
2024-06-17 16:14:57

This is an edutaining video to watch about an obviously deeply flawed and ultimately largely useless product category that the tech industry hyped up and subsidized to be the next big thing—just like AI now
2024-06-18 16:56:38

Terrific work here from RMI:
2024-06-18 15:43:03

Biden's Title IX LGBTQ protections blocked in six more states
2024-06-18 07:14:16

Stop de langstudeerboete!
2024-06-17 15:51:45

And here is yet another great use for Generative AI! /s
2024-06-17 20:37:20

Aus der Tiefe des Raums oder aus dem Hintergrund müssten Netzer oder Rahn schießen.
Rahn schießt...
Tor, Tor, Tor!
Mehr braucht man wirklich nicht wissen.
2024-06-30 15:03:12

Please join us LIVE for worship today!
2024-06-18 13:55:07

Fascists use bullying as a weapon to gain power and stifle dissent.
2024-06-17 20:34:18

#Schlagzeile ohne
Autofahrer entgleist Straßenbahn.
Originalschlagzeile mit #Verantwortungsdiffusion:
Verkehrsunfall in Bra…
2024-06-30 11:51:03

(1/2) Ep 27: Space Exploration, Civil Rights and Governance #WisdomWithWes
2024-06-18 18:15:13

Ember data are terrific!
2024-06-17 19:23:13

»Zyniker mögen sagen: Je mehr danach gefragt wird und je mehr betont werden muss, wie unangefochten Scholz ist, umso mehr zeigt das aufkommende Zweifel in der Partei. Und die Fragen mehren sich.«
Die SPD sucht den "Klare-Kante-Kanzler" |…
2024-06-18 16:36:43

Excellent work, Alberta! Now you need to schedule retirements of your gas plants.
2024-06-18 15:56:11

Episode #226 of the Energy Transition show is terrific. It blows up the nonsense claims about new electricity load growth being a crisis. I cannot recommend it highly enough. @…