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2024-08-16 10:08:21

Check out the story of The #KrononautMoon Project, now on @….
Just months away, 2025 will see 2 Total #LunarEclipses (TLEs) — on 14 Mar & 07 Sep. Why & how did the TLE …
2024-07-16 08:02:52

Western Europe needs to be prepared to replace NATO with a European Treaty Organisation. It's looking increasingly likely Trump will win the presidency. Europe must be able to defend itself from Russian aggression without the US's help.
Western Europe spends more on defence than Russia. We have coordinated militarily as part of NATO for over 50 years. This is achievable.
Ukraine is a signal of how Russia sees its future in Europe. Farage would like nothing more than to be the UK's Lukashenko.
2024-08-16 15:56:19

…"planning for multiple destination points and date coordinates, not like the one-nighters of the old days. We can now call this Research 2.0. Let the #TimeTravelers decide where they would like to beam down, and with whom they would like to rendezvous (be it #MIT,
2024-10-13 08:07:16

Ne soyons pas dupes. La "vérification de majorité en ligne" est en réalité "la vérification d'attributs en ligne".
La majorité n'est que le début ! Même l'Arcom adopte ce mot "d'attribut" au fil de son rapport.
À votre avis, quel sera le prochain attribut ?
Il faut réagir @…
En outre, rien n'a été fait dans ce protocole pour protéger les utilisateurs et utilisatrices. Ce sont les personnes dont on se méfie ; les fraudeurs et les fraudeuses. Et tant pis si ça fait fuiter des données de santé ! Et tant pis si ça permet d'associer des activités sur un site Š une identité réelle !
Parce que sous couvert de "majorité", si le site consulté collabore avec les autorités, on peut facilement associer une activité Š une personne. Or, le prochain objectif de la "vérification d'age en ligne", c'est les réseaux sociaux !! Et voilŠ comment la vielle lubie des politiciens pourra être satisfaite ! Enfin de l'identité réelle sur les réseaux sociaux !
2024-09-13 08:28:35

Series C, Episode 07 - Children of Auron
DERAL: Ionic beams only?
SERVALAN: Just to disable, cause minimum damage. [into comm] Clinic, bring the disease pathogens now. [to Deral] I want that pilot alive. Alive and vulnerable. B7B2
2024-08-05 07:25:09

Ich lebe nicht in der EU aber bin gespannt ob die Erkenntnis irgendwelche und dann in welche Richtung dies Auswirkungen hat und dies über die EU heraus.
»Sechs Tech-Giganten verstoßen gegen EU-Recht:
Laut der Studie der Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband verstoßen die Konzerne gegen das geltende Digitalmarktgesetz. Sie beeinflussen Nutzer mit manipulativen Designs«
2024-08-01 11:55:39

@… Hi there o/
Is the design of the amazing self printed T-Shirt available for download and re-printing?
2024-08-07 03:29:58

Der #SouvereignTechFund hat die angekündigte neue Fördeung spezifiziert: Fellowship for Maintainers
2024-07-30 19:41:54

Does anyone know a good introduction into #machinelearning where #mlr3 for #R is used? Most lecture- or seminarmaterial I'm finding is using python for demonstration and tasks.
2024-07-28 06:25:16

Watching Humpback #Whales in Eyjafjord #Iceland on this day 2015
2024-09-07 15:48:52

@… @…
Warum bewirtschaften die @… das
2024-08-02 07:00:17

Cryptgeon is a secure, open source sharing note / file service.
Each note has a generated id (256bit) and key 256(bit). The id is used to save & retrieve the note. the note is then encrypted with aes in gcm mode on the client side with the key and then sent to the server. data is stored in memory and never persisted to disk.

Logo: 🐦 cryptgeon
2024-08-29 07:55:46

#ErnstSieversStraße in #Osnabrück wird #Fahrradstraße

Radfahrer fährt über Kopfsteinpflaster an Ernst-Sievers-Straße in Osnabrück, das für Autos zur "Verkehrsberuhigung" gedacht ist. An den Seiten ist das Kopfsteinpflaster "abgesenkt".
Markierungen zur Instandsetzung auch in den Nebenstraßen der Ernst-Sievers-Straße.
Markierungen zur Instandsetzung auch in Abschnitten, die bei der Vorplanung nicht vorgesehen waren.
2024-08-07 16:47:07
2024-07-30 18:27:22

Eine Freundin hat heute gesagt, dass (nicht nur linke) Proteste genau durch Grenzüberschreitungen ja polizeiliche Reaktionen hervorrufen wollen. Ein Abhaten der #Polizei verkennt die eigenen Ziele. Durch #Protest, der Grenzen überschreitet soll ja genau die Aufmerksamkeit auf das entsprechende Pro…
2024-08-07 14:56:20

Let's get started with an #introduction !
Hi, I am Florian, a #Xennial doing #MusicComposition since I had a
2024-09-30 08:49:07

Mettre Š jour sa Fedora Silverblue, lancer l'app Signal non officielle, recevoir ce message d'erreur. Flipper.
2024-07-22 18:19:01

Ich mag einfach den Gedanken, dass Joe Biden in der Covid-Quarantäne aus Langeweile alte Post angeschaut, den Rentenbescheid entdeckt und dann überrascht die Kandidatur zurückgezogen hat, weil er ja doch einfach aufhören kann.
2024-07-31 08:39:12

It warms my heart any time I find something like this in other people's code. 😀 Been there. Frequently.

Source code of the Munin monitoring tool, written in Perl. A section is introduced by the comment "Homegrown templating engine. Not sure it's a very good idea"
2024-07-26 11:06:19

Old Sodbury, England
2024-07-24 08:39:40

not surprising but not cool at all. publishing is technically so easy now that we (academia) should really take it in our own hands
2024-08-05 19:43:07

Time to ban the birdie site in UK.
2024-07-27 10:23:03

the whole #innovation paradigm, including asking for more #startups, is just a pseudo-solution for the consequences of markets wich got closed by monopols
unregulated markets ruin the world by forcing products that are not adapted to a good life and instead only create or sustaine the
2024-08-06 07:28:17

Given Musk's predictions of civil war in the UK, a prediction that is designed, in my opinion, to encourage violence, I think X should be banned in the UK for a month. Who would vote for a petition to that effect?
Musk is a non-state political actor. He should be sanctioned when he interferes in UK politics and promotes civil disorder.
I will be writing to my MP. I encourage others to do the same. He is a risk to the rule of law and democracy in the UK.
2024-07-26 08:20:08

Thanks for your work, and happy #SysAdminDay ! 💪
2024-07-24 08:18:17

Next stop #cogsci2024 !
2024-07-29 08:53:23

“Caro lettore, se mai ti venisse in mente di contrastare la legge divina del bullismo o del mobbing, farai la fine di Balzano”
#eancheoggibloccounpo #malattiamentale
2024-08-31 07:57:32

One thing governments who are too afraid to ban X, even temporarily, should consider, is the robustness of systems that rely on it. It should be possible for things to continue, albeit less efficiently for a short period, without a specific social media platform. With that in mind, it would be prudent, and send an important message to social media owners, to stress test by turning off X for scheduled days and weeks, so that the country asserts democratic independence from foreign billionaires.
2024-08-02 07:10:21

Erstmal ein #Hallo an alle die #neuhier sind oder/und mich seit kurzem #folgen, sprich #aboniert haben 👋
Am heut…
2024-07-26 08:29:23

Thanks for your work, and happy #SysAdminDay ! 💪
2024-08-29 07:59:41

#KaterMurch at #WashU: #Building '#TimeTraveling' #Quantum
2024-08-25 15:38:07

Sequence of 3 full-frame #MoonPhotos in glowing #orange #gold, emerging from behind silhouetted #trees. Retooted from John Krantz (@…). Very nice #lunar imagery, John.
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #photography #astrophotography #moon #lune #luna
2024-07-25 16:31:48

#ThrowbackThursday #Tanum #Petroglyphs #Sweden
On this day in 2008
See also
2024-08-23 06:07:11

#Dark #spooky #cosmic & #fun #photo of the #Moon on a #black #sky, rolling down a #hill. Beautiful #minimalist #MoonPhoto retooted from What's a fun name? (@…).
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon
2024-07-31 07:20:13

NeoBiota #AnimalScience and #Zoology; #InsectScience; #AquaticScience; Ecology, #Evolution, Behavior and #Systematics; #PlantScience; #Ecology; and #EcologicalModelling.
#AcademicChatter #AcademicPublishing #BiologicalInvasions #AlienSpecies
2024-08-26 18:07:35

Dark #gray #sky composition with a #fullMoon (in second image) just below center frame, between thin fenceposts (or are these masts of #sailboats?) and above a near-black ground that fills up most of the bottom of the picture. Somber and beautiful #MoonPhoto retooted from Kira (@…). Gorgeous #twilight #photos, Kira, and belated Happy Birthday!
🔗 #SturgeonMoon #KronoMoonPhoto #MoonOverMastodon #horizon #quiet #thought #photography #lune #luna #月
2024-08-27 16:07:53

Four atmospheric studies in #gray #silver & a #cream colored #Moon nested in the #mountains. #MoonPhotos retooted from #photographer Lehi's Photography (@…). Cool series of #lunar #images.
🔗 #PinkMoon #KronoMoonPhotos #MoonOverMastodon #photography #landscape #nature #moon #lune #luna #写真 #月